Innocent Family "living harmless before the brute creation" was accused
of medical and nutritional neglect
in their infant's & family's winter illness, when in fact their infant, and they with him, were Poisoned By H.U.D.! |
Have you or anyone you know been unusually ill this Winter? HUD, Federal & State Bureaucracy may be the cause! . ![]() The pipe at far left, installed only 3 feet! from the furnace flue and precisely in its path of toxic fumes is a Mfd. home's Breathing-Air Intake -- as ordered by HUD! -- So you have been placed in harms way by the very Bureaucracy whose oaths and claims are to guarantee your safety and to protect you and your children from the very harm which they have permitted! ![]() -- just as it has done with this baby Daniel's parents in Manti, Utah! Please check the following questions, see baby Daniel's experience, learn the facts, then demand correction to protect your own family! Do you live in a Combustion Heated HUD (or FEMA) "Certified as Safe" Manufactured or Mobile (Trailer) Home? . ![]() Illnesses, Injuries and Deaths are Experienced as a Consequence: . Did you or anyone you know have one or more of the following symptoms? Unexplained (chronic) fatigue, bouts of nausea, headaches, appearance of intoxication (without drinking), loss of memory, agitation, flu-like (but without fever) symptoms, rosacea (a red skin blush), purple, pale or jaundice, general weakness, nose-bleeds, coughing spells (sometimes with blood) labored breathing, struggle for air, light headedness, lethargy, fainting spells, listlessness, inability to sleep soundly, loss of appetite, reduced fertility, reduced virility, miscarriage, birth defects, numerological and physiological fetal damage in pregnancy, unexplainable weight loss or gain, or unusual heart problems: angina, arrhythmia, myocarditis, infarction, etc (all are absolute expressions of CO induced hypoxia and intoxication). ![]() Did you find any elderly or otherwise infirmed unusually listless, slowed, or unresponsive, where they had been communicative, bright, or active prior? Do you know of any children, adolescents or adult who were healthy before, but curiously became subtly to seriously ill as Winter commenced, deepened and progressed -- then with warming weather (less furnace operation), they may have "miraculously" improved! -- or someone who did not make it though the Winter, yet should have! -- or who died for no solidly diagnosed reason. -- -- Too often Carbon Monoxide "CO" Victims are mis-diagnosed with heart or lung disease, leukemia, diabetes, malnutrition, vitamin B12 deficiency, depression, endocrine or genetic disorders, etc, etc, etc. even Munchausen by Proxy (it fits easily); then are expensively (futilely, even dangerously) treated into bankruptcy for those (IHC billed over $40,000 to this family), when all that was really needed was a simple $40.00 (Carboxyhemoglobin) test, and prescribed the simple (and cheap) treatment of clean air, clean food and genuine love! -- none for which a Doctor, Hospital, the State, its Bureaucracy or their Lawyers can extravagantly charge and honestly profit! -- And worse, being returned to the same toxic environment to repeat the illness cycle, establish more damage, even to die! -- tlr 3/17/08 You deserve to know truth and find real cause! -- so you can preserve yourself and your family! Read on! -- You may find the cause of your family's Winter illnesses in this baby Daniel and his family's experience below! |
65% of
HUD certified homes
(spc. manufactured homes and trailers) in the West are occupied by Spanish
(usually the
low payed farm and unskilled menial labor) families. The next group of occupancy
are African Americans
(specifically the New Orleans - Katrina victims)!
the Native Americans!
then the Elderly, Widowed, Veterans, Handicapped,
Young and Single Mother Families, Missionaries,
Rural Clergy, County,
State, and Federal Field
Agents, Rangers and Officers, and our
selfless Military!
-- Yet no-one in HUD,
Federal or State Bureaucracy (Medicine and
Mainstream Media) has cared
enough to warn these
families and individuals that some of their Winter illnesses and deaths
are a result of
this egregious HUD
created and State permitted deadly Furnace / Water
Heater exhaust / Fresh Air Adder design! -- Why? -- How did HUD get away with setting their own minimum distance regulation at only 3 ft while all others like the American Gas Association, National Association of Home Builders, all HVAC Manufacturers, and most State and local Codes usually demand 12 to 14 feet? The minimum I have found (tolerated in restrictive industrial construction) is 10 feet per ICC's International Mechanical Code. TLR -- When you entered into your HUD home, did your State licensed inspector alert you to your potentially lethal HUD created asphyxiation possibility? If he did not, why not? Ask his bosses why not? TLR -- In last 10 minutes of 28 May 08 Radio interview, Utah AG Mark Shurtleff & I expose this case & this problem. Audio Utah Attorney General Mark Shurtleff interview (hr 2) by Mark Maxon on KTKK AM 630 SLC Ut -- in last 30 min of the 3 hour Utah State Legislature's Political Subdivisions Interim Committee Wed 18 Jun 08 Meeting on Affordable Housing, I presented this case as example of HUD Manufactured Housing's Carbon Monoxide (& Formaldehyde) poisoning issue, as exposed herein. See Notice, see Agenda, hear Audio (mp3). |
"Carbon Monoxide is
the leading
cause of fatal poisoning in the industrialized world,
as well as being
endemic in many parts of the developing world," says Dr. Joseph Fisher,
an anesthesiologist at Toronto General Hospital, University Health
Network. "In North America, it results in as many as 70,000 emergency
room visits a year and in thousands of deaths. Up to 30 per cent of
survivors of severe poisoning are left with disabling psychological and
neurological symptoms, which sometimes last for years." Sadly HUD, Federal, State, (even Local Bureaucracies) and Medicine have ignored or deliberately avoided identification, diagnoses, and proper treatment (with simple cheap oxygen and free fresh air thereafter), or to inform and initiate corrections for the Carbon Monoxide poisoning cause; but have instead sent the innocent and uninformed victims back to their toxic homes to be further poisoned, injured, even killed. None of these agencies (who were created, paid for, and claim to have our health interests as their responsibility) have moved to rectify this asinine and deadly HUD regulation. In 11 months, none have even dared challenge -- never testing and publishing their test results -- to even prove us wrong -- but instead have deliberately avoided answer and have even maliciously labored to injure, obstruct and suppress our findings. In 11 months (since March 2008) [now 19 months as of Oct 2009] HUD, the Federal and State Bureaucracies and Medicine have done nothing to correct, inform or protect the nearly 26 [now understood 34] million Americans [now understood, 2+ million Native Americans and 6 million Mexican Nationals] living in these potentially poisonous homes which they regulate and license. The Bureaucracies and profiting Medicine (which has now allowed millions of injuries and deaths to occur) have instead interfered with our efforts for media coverage and left the poor and other vulnerable infants, individuals and families, injured and still dying! -- tlr 12/30/08
Now continue to learn through baby Daniel's and his family's experience as is disclosed below. -- This knowledge can save your infant's life, you own and others you love! |
![]() . . .The near death experience of this precious infant and his trusting family may be yours or someone you know! Carefully read to find out if it may be ! . . The information below also serves as the "Next Page" for these websites: GassingAmerica.us - GassingNativeAmerica.us - GassingUtah.us - GasesMortales.us - LicenseToKill.us - CarbonMonoxideAwareness.us |
Daniel in
the Lions Den -
in Manti Utah!
![]() A loving family in Central Utah, accused of medical and nutritional neglect, was found with a lethal poisoning source from their home's furnace and water heating systems! -- which was not considered, checked, tested, or identified! until a caring friend did his correct diagnoses and discovery of cause, thereby saving this precious Daniel and his family from his own "fiery furnace" of today, in an echo of his righteous name sake, the harmless and loving, Guardian-Angels-protected, worthy Prophet "Daniel" and his Faithful Associates preserved from their "fiery furnace" of Old! In this photo above, you are watching the Furnace Exhaust Fumes passing and being drafted into this home's Breathing Air by HUD's demanded "Dilution" Air Intake Pipe set only three feet away at left! ![]() (Photos and videos showing Daniel's progress including: Video of 4/3/08 added 5/7/08: See baby Daniel after one month of Good Air, Mom's good Milk, and Love! ) The understanding presented in this website may help you to identify any of the similar environmental conditions that may have affected an unusual illness, harm, even mortality, in you, your infants, your family or in the family of someone else you know. If similar conditions exist for you, your discovery and effecting corrective actions, based upon the truth we have herein exposed, can save your infant, your children, or your own life! -- or the lives of others you love! -- just as it has saved the life of this precious infant, and the lives of his family who dearly love him. TLR 3/17/08
Description and Evidence of Poisoning Cause: Now see the Photos, Videos, along with Medical, Environmental, Mechanical and Legal diligence, discovery, evidence, with other experts and witnesses brought together and provided by that same persistent, experienced friend, Thomas L Rodgers, who brought in as wittinesses, his other State respected, licensed, and honorable associates. Evidence on Film: ![]() Videos added 5/7/08:
Video 1a.FLV 3/31/08 -- Water Heater Vapors (2 min in FLV) passing / entering Fresh Air Adder Video 1b.FLV 3/31/08 -- Excellent capture of Furnace Vapors (FLV) entering Fresh Air Adder ![]() ![]() Video
1c.FLV -- Fast version of Snow Choked
Combustion Air Intake test.
Thermal / Barometric Scooping -- or Channeling: At 1½ feet or less of snow lay, Thermal and Barometric Scooping will cut a channel from the warmer exhaust to effect its flow minimally diluted to the breathing air intake. Video and several photos show snow depression (scooped-out) arcs at the exhaust and intake vents as evidence of this scooping or channeling phenomena. Cavitation: At 1½ feet or more of quick snow lay or a series of smaller accumulating layers, along with Manti's subfreezing temperatures causing surface hardening and a very durable crust icing, an underneath melt-out from the warmer roof surfaces above the furnace itself, and water heater adjacent, would have created an "igloo" (cavitation) with an advancing circumference specifically elongating towards intake with it furnace blower driven vacumn drafting which would ultimately tie the furnace, water heater and Fresh Air Adder stacks (at only 3½ foot distant bonnet to bonnet -- see photos) all together in a single connecting double or triple foci cavity -- which would be maintainable for many days, especially on that self-shading North-facing roof of their home; would then have allowed a super doping of the house air with colorless, odorless, tasteless, serious biological damaging CO! You will see evidence of this north side cavitation phenomena and its advanced circumference of melt-out (in photo linked here & charts coming) - tlr 3/17/08 Summer Poisoning: This subtle Carbon Monoxide poisoning of this family also occurred anytime the Air Conditioning mode of the Furnace / AC unit (house air fan) was in operation, as the Fresh Air Adder also opens its damper valve to likewise draw air from the roof (under the furnace house air fan's strong vacuum) which would be contaminated with the water heater exhaust with this last year's unique pattern (25 year El-Niño/La-Niña change) of prevailing breezes. A worse poisoning potentially also occurred under the quiet or "dead air" weather stagnation periods common to last years hot summer days, specifically because CO (though itself is slightly lighter than pure O2) has ionic and surface bonding affinities to its accompanying deleterious (also toxic) burn products (CO2, SO2, NO, NO2, HS2, H2CO, etc) gases, which collectively are slightly heavier than (N2 rich, cleaner) ambient air; and (mixed with, holding and carrying their toxic companion gas, CO) would bloom, cool and fall to mushroom and flow down the roof decline and into the negative pressure area of the Fresh Air Adder and be vacuum drawn into and mixed into the home's air conditioned air. (The stagnant air state just described for breezeless periods in Summer, also applies with far more serious poisoning results in the dead air periods of Winter.) Please note, that the Water Heater burns 32,000 btu of gas in each hot water demanded firing all year long, while the Furnace burns 90,000 btu; but only when it is called upon to fire during cool or cold weather. So the Water Heater alone contributes critically significant poisoning to the home's occupants as its fumes are drafted in by the Fresh Air Adder and mixed into this home's interior air in the other half of the year, when the Air Conditioning mode of the Furnace / AC unit is turned on and used. -- This made the total CO poisoning potential for the occupants of this home a subtle and absolute, full, year-long event! - tlr 3/31/08
Still Photos: -- sorry for the large file size and long download times of some of these photos. These have been placed here in my haste to get you started with some understanding. It takes many hours for me (with some technical assistance from my son, who is also a dedicated, very busy Bishop) to reduce and re-post these and photos and videos, plus add the dozens more, as well as the charts and drawings that you need to also see. 4.
The House at the South East (front) view
-- (faster
loading file is now here):
Notice, you can only view and just barely see the water heater
stack over the
ridge line of the roof. You cannot see the Furnace and Fresh Air Adder
stacks near it. So you see how low they are and
easily choked or covered with snow!
5. Front of House Full view (from South). Again as in previous photo, you can only see the water heater flue barely above ridge, others stacks are not visible. 6. Rear of House (from North) See short flues and fresh-air-adder at left all in tight cluster and easily choked or covered by snow. Cover with snow? Furnace Combustion Air! Yes!-big "Problem-o!" Lethal levels of CO! 7. The Fresh Air Adder, the Furnace and Water Heater stacks -- (faster loading file here) Too short and all in a tight cluster! See another view of Flues and fresh air adder intake cluster from on roof (photo taken as I am standing at ridge, with kind Glen Bair's halogen lamp stand secured and visible at the roof's edge, and my sleeping bag at distance in back of the house, on the crusted snow where I shivered at night to catch the furnace (and water heater) vapor flows in their treacherous acts of passing towards and entering into the Fresh Air Adder and into the house, as recorded in Videos above - tlr). Now that you have seen the exhaust and fresh air adder arrangement; please re-read (review) the combustion air supply snow pile-up, choke-off and cavitation issues as described in my video explanation in third paragraph following item 1. Video (in FLV), above. It should now be disturbingly clear to you, shortcuts like this in construction, can asphyxiate a child and harm a family -- including yours! Please check your own chimneys for this problem (especially more problematic if yours is also on a north facing roof like this one). (More description of error and code violation will be added here tlr) More links & descriptions with photos, videos. charts & documents are coming. -- Please return! TLR 3/24/08 Father's Statement: The knowledge of the true cause of Daniel’s trouble has been discovered and irrefutably proven: the house which we purchased upon our move to Manti (in full faith and trust of safety, as is certified on the house tags riveted outside on each half section *tlr), was dangerously set up for a serious carbon monoxide problem – which was exponentially compounded by heavy snows on the roof – and our first winter here just happened to be the biggest snow fall year in 25 years. The preceding winters of little or no appreciable snow, saved the original family and owners from experiencing the far more concentrated levels of Carbon Monoxide which we had in this unusual high snow, high precipitation winter (see combustion air choke down explanation in photos & drawings to be provided here *tlr); however the original family did have unexplained health problems, including an infant who was very sick towards the end of a winter, and now, as a little girl has a speech impediment and a learning disability. The extremely hazardous way in which the furnace system of our home was installed was quickly identified by our experienced friend who first sensed (through 2 brief phone calls, Feb 10 & 11 *tlr) , then viewed in us, with his certainty, our physical indications of environmental poisoning (during a simple 15 minute visual contact, two days later in a Feb 13th visit at Daniel's pediatric unit in Salt Lake City *tlr). After finishing his week of labors at the Utah State Legislative Session (using all day Saturday, and Sunday afternoon for preparation *tlr), in the evening of Sunday Feb 17th, ![]() After returning home (Feb 25th *tlr) from our hospital stay, we received a call from our friend and were informed of our home heating's dangerous situation – and so, as he instructed, we ran our furnace with opened windows to combat the problem until he could return and mitigate the situation. ![]() On that same day, February 29th, the fresh air adder port into furnace house air fan chamber was sealed (during his first interior access - then permanently Mar 12 *tlr), so that the strong suction produced by the main (house air circulating *tlr) furnace fan can no longer draw any more toxic exhaust in from the roof – and we've been running the furnace with windows sufficiently opened (as instructed *tlr) so that the home can obtain enough fresh air to now safely allow our infant and family to breathe cleanly. Many people have now witnessed video footage of the furnace exhaust being drawn right back into the house via the fresh-air adder, which unfortunately was installed with great negligence – in extremely close proximity to the furnace and hot water heater exhaust flues on the roof…and especially hazardous to our local snow potential conditions – since those flues are also very short and stubby and happen to be located on the north-facing, shady side of the roof where snow is protected from the sun and inclined to pile up and remain. The combustion air supply return on the furnace flue begins to be blocked off with just 6 inches of snow on the roof – and is completely blocked off with only 9 inches of snow on the roof. That greatly diminishes the oxygen supply to the combustion chamber of the furnace and exponentially increases the carbon monoxide levels in the exhaust – which has had easy access for re-entry into the living quarters via the fresh-air adder – hazardously installed in very close proximity (under 4 ft *tlr) to where the exhaust exits the flues. We hope that this information helps the good people in our community understand our own situation more fully – and encourages them to check their own homes; especially those in manufactured and mobile homes which were built out of area and moved in and not re-outfitted for our high mountain valley snow potentials – as our friend has disclosed. We are grateful to this wise, dedicated and very kind friend, Thomas Rodgers for his discovering this extremely serious life-threatening situation – who persisted as a stranger and persona-non-grata, to do the required diligence and get the information out to our local (and State *tlr) media, Utah State and Community officials – and to those listening families with similar violations of furnace installations that he noted and also worries about in our community and everywhere. Thank you, The Grateful Father of Baby Daniel. See Video footage, photos and other information above and herein linked: *Notes inserted in (italics -*tlr): is data added for medical, technical and legal clarity by Thomas Rodgers
Many of my Professional Fellows, Locally and Nationally, who have seen the data and now understand the truth in this family's house and water heating poisoning situation and events, have stated that if the family had not already been living such a careful, healthy lifestyle, which they had been living long before they moved into this home and gave birth to Daniel, and this undiscovered, unique and subtle, immune system suppressing winter-long exhaust poisoning event had been additionally complicated with Winter's otherwise easily transmitted communicative viral and bacterial illnesses, it could have assuredly killed the baby and more severely harmed the older members of the family, even mortally! TLR 3/24/08 Notice the devastating change a winter of breathing undetected toxic vapors does bring to a whole family:
Those who have direct responsibility for your safe residency: Those who are Responsible! Those who know -- and also have a fiduciary or simply a "brotherly" obligation to alert or protect you: -- Those
who know -- and have known now for
over 6 months.
Please ask these individuals -- many with authority or professional
responsibility who are party to or have been made known of this case
early on,
and in whom we have placed our implicit trust (and pay) -- what they
doing to correct their own actions in this case; then what they are
doing to prevent this harm and loss for all other innocent trusting
family's found with the same life threatening
circumstances! -- that possibly includes you, your own infant
children, your family, the elderly, the handicapped and others you
may care about and love!
![]() Please be patient with me as I do all other tasks to inform my legislative, administrative, legal and media friends of the data which exonerates this innocent family, and also labor to inform you of facts through these time demanding web pages, while I also must try to help take care of other people's problems, even nationally and internationally, and also meet my own family and personal obligations on my scant personal resources only. Do you know of anyone else who cares so much for an infant, family or friend, or is just too plain dumb to know better, so gives up comfort, time, all he has and will drive 140 miles a half dozen times and more (in a friend's borrowed vehicle), to correctly diagnose and correctly identify an illness and cause (which no one else did), and to set outside through several brute cold nights and only get fits of sleep (and frostbite) in the sub freezing cold to catch a killing furnace exhaust and breathing air intake configuration in the act? Then to tolerate (for the moment) the obstruction of the offending collusion of Government Manufactured and Mobile home regulators, designers, contractors, distributors, -- and worse, their profiting end-use and benefited unscrupulous (as cheap housing units purchasers and cheap labor filling) businessmen and collaborators, who stoop to vicious and hurtful fabrications, even using ridiculous and vile ecclesiastical lies, political influence and hate-filled threats as a diversion to delay and impede my investigative efforts and disclosure as their housing and consequent labor-fraud expositor, while setting aside my own needs (like my broken dental partial, burned out clutch, my own roof and home repairs, etc, etc) to do this labor without pay (on only $714/mo. Social Security), simply out of my shear love for the health, physical, mental, emotional and familial safety, happiness and well being of precious infants and their innocent families, and nothing more? Maybe these humanity abusive, cheap housing and cheap labor profiting antagonists and those others who they have coerced or duped, are right, and I truly am nuts! But at least I don't have to apologize to my Maker or His Angels for it! He (my Maker) holds the lives of (all His) infants and (all His) families as most precious! -- And so do I! -- So even at the price of losing all my own resources, my own peace, my own needs, my own comforts and my own public and ecclesiastical reputation -- while these now exposed slickly sophisticated hateful antagonists in pious sophistry and money facilitated contempt have labored viciously to assault, defame and destroy me and this truth which I have identified and exposed -- I know, as I have preserved the life of another child and another family, I am OK with my Lord once more and forever in this one! Thanks for your patience and understanding. More photos, videos, charts, expletive drawings and document links will be added as my time and meager resources permit, so please plan to return periodically for more information and help as I can add it. Please share this website and its lifesaving furnace flue configuration information with every one possible! -- while these vicious and amoral businessmen and their pocketed medicine, law and bureaucracy labor to choke off media cooperation, medical and governmental correction, and suppress this information and the massive malfeasance exposure, and the endless human injuries and mortality indictments this disclosure opens against them! Also see an earlier case of mine involving an older Conventionally Constructed Home (in FamilyVsState.us, the Thaxton-Christiansen "Mormon Tabernacle Organist" grandchild's case) wherein a furnace replacement and the malfeasance of the State caused the death of one infant -- and a year later nearly killed another, as the whole surviving family (just like this Conrad family) was returned (by IHC, DCFS, the AG and the State of Utah) to re-enter and live in their same toxic home! And they (like the Conrad family here) would have been further poisoned or died had I not been contacted and asked (though curious common answers to both the mother's, Carolee Thaxton's and the grandmother's, Diane Christiansen's prayers, like David and Mary Conrad's) and done my honorable and genuine diagnoses, diligence and discovery in that event -- just as I have done in this current case for David and Mary Conrad! -- -- And, as in this case, you will see in the Thaxton-Christiansen experience, the similar saddening Contractor, Inspection, Bureaucratic, Medical and Legal incompetence, evasion of responsibility, collusion and cover up, leaving that innocent death sorrowed and injury victimized Thaxton-Christiansen family still "guilty", damaged and bankrupt. And though discovering and disclosing the true cause I effected the return of their second son from the State, even now, 7 years later, still not legally exonerated by the money corrupted DCFS and Utah State Court, they are struggling to recover and survive, never recompensed (nor exonerated) for the death of their first precious son, nor the bogus (IHC) medical treatment charges and damages to their second son -- including the eight months of hellish separation trauma and the biologically stupid interruption of the critically important nursing and bonding period done by the State (and IHC) to their second son! Please be aware of your own potential Carbon Monoxide poisoning risks - and that of your single moms, young families, elderly or handicapped neighbors. Absolutely make sure your own and their flues do not get or remain covered with snow. Absolutely make sure the combustion air intakes -- normally the lower bonnet over the fatter pipe -- also is open and clear of snow. And even more critical, that fumes are not being brought back into your home though a too close Fresh Air Adder stack, as you have seen and learned about here, or other close openings into your house's interior air. As I have traveled to document this family's home, I passed scores of similarly configured homes and permanently set house trailers in my route; and I also have been told of several unusual infant and elderly deaths in the Community in this deep snow and extra cold Winter. There are several hundreds of these short stacked, close fresh air intake configured manufactured homes and trailers in this one County alone. I have sighted and observed hundreds (now along with currently adding reports, there are apparently thousands) more throughout the West and the Central United States -- anywhere and especially where low cost housing is provided for and occupied by rural or migrant laborers! Many living in the manufactured and mobile homes set for the Hurricane Katrina victims have also suffered similar poisonings in this years unusual brutal Winter which they in the Midwest and Gulf Coast also experienced as well! (but the "Authorities" have tried to blame it all on H2CO, ie. Formaldehyde, from three year old dried glues? Please spare me that diversionary ignorance! Remember Formaldehyde, H2CO, is a gas burn exhaust product always accompanying Carbon Monoxide, and is specifically elivated in a secondary or multiple-burn of primary created Carbon Monoxide: heat+CO+H2 [H2 being available from atmospheric Hydrogen or steam] = H2CO, that is, Formaldehyde! Pathetically most of those FEMA contracted, HUD specs conformed manufactured homes and trailers have the exact or similar heating exhaust installation configuration lunacy as was designed, approved and delivered in this Manti Utah family's HUD regulated and approved, manufactured home.) Carbon Monoxide is the number one accidental poisoning event in the U.S. (and in the World); yet is the number one untested, unreported, untracked, intentionally ignored and uncorrected poisoning cause. Why? Its simple identifying test cost is only about $40 and its actual treatment is very cheap: Simple Clean Air! -- while psuedo-diagnosing, claiming and treating for each of the every other disease symptoms it causes or mimics, saves the Construction and Inspection Agencies only a little more labor, materials and money, while it brings Medicine, Bureaucracy, CPS, the Courts and the Lawyers endless thousands of dollars -- through creating chronically Carbon Monoxide damaged unwitting patients out of innocent parents and their "State marketable" more sensitive, more sickened children! What you must do: Please check your own and your friend's homes for the same Exhaust Fumes contamination possibilities that you have seen and learned of here. You must save your own infants, your loved ones, yourselves! -- and your likewise endangered friends! -- Sadly it appears that too many inside bureaucracy, in whom we have placed our implicit trust and have generously paid (though our taxes, including in our house payments and rents), have acted without competence or honesty, nor truly cared about you and your family's health or safety over their own convenience, commodity, or profit! -- So you cannot depend on anyone coming to your rescue except yourself or others who care for you. Fire Departments and Heating Utilities Suppliers
(Natural Gas, Propane, Oil, Coal) usually have professional Carbon
Monoxide detection equipment and should be called in with any
suspicions of poisoning.
-- Do Not trust your life and safety -- especially the life of your infant -- to any store bought Carbon Monoxide detector, as they are not sensitive enough, nor accurate enough. -- see CO detector sounding in Police Report (in FamilyVsState.us) and the Davis County Clipper Article by my friend/associate Dr. Jay Bishop and reporter Melinda Williams Also DEMAND Carbon Monoxide (Carboxyhemoglobin) testing from your Doctor, Clinic or Hospital! -- -- They will often refuse, resist and delay (and claim that since your CO detector did not sound, it cannot be CO that could be your illness' cause) -- but persist and immediately demand this simple one-more-button push on the Blood-Gas Analyzer (or the older finger-prick and pipette drawn drop of blood for the easy, inexpensive, [light-spectrum] Carboxyhemoglobin analysis). -- For some reason the Medical industry (AMA) has deliberately removed this diagnostic procedure from their "Best Practices" general diagnostic protocols in the last thirty years. -- Why is that? >> Our suggested no-cost temporary fix, to prevent your poisoning, is linked in the green table below. Notify and apprise authorities of your situation and its consequences (injuries, illness, or harm you have identified): If you are in a HUD certified manufactured or mobile home, or any other home where your Furnace and Water Heater exhausts (and Sewer Vents) are similarly short and close to your Fresh Air Adder intake as you have seen in this case, I suggest as you consider your harm; document and photograph what you can; then; Contact your US
Congressmen and your State
Legislators. (see: StateLocalGov.net)
absolutely: Contact your Community & State authorities covering Inspections (usually in Dept of Commerce). and your Local and State Health Department authorities (as well as your own Medical providers). -- (but be prepared to encounter denial, ignorance and apathy.) [If in Utah see: Those Responsible] File
your complaint against HUD and against HUD's Manufacturers!
1. From HUD.gov, go to Complaints: click on the Fraud, Waste & Abuse; click on the Online link. Classify your complaint as: "SERIOUS MISMANAGEMENT - a significant failure by a HUD program office or a program office entity that is due to managerial incompetence or inattention." 2. Go back to: Complaints -- click Manufactured housing and also file your complaint against the manufacturer. I suggest you duplicate your complaints and send copies to all those Federal, State & Local officials listed above. Also file copies with your County Recorder for dated certification & future reference In the meantime, you must take steps to prevent further poisoning possibilities of you and your family!
I would also would appreciate an email, phone call, and or letter from you (you might also include copy of your HUD complaints). I want to know that you have seen this alert, and as I am working with oversight committee Congressmen, and am being scheduled to appear before Congress, I want to develop a numbers and knowledge base of your experiences as I lay out this issue and its problem with our State, Congressional and HUD bureaucracies who created and allowed it, and now must correct it. Please help me get this word out! Much of the Local and National Media and Bureaucracy have had this information but with all else happening in the news or with conflict of economic interests, most have not yet been able or have chosen not to create and publish the story to everyone that needs it. But you, I, our Nation's vulnerable infants and effected families personally cannot wait, while the Mainstream Media do their (legal - which they must) research, write and deliberately edit to not libel the very Industry and Bureaucracy who may or may not have created and allowed this problem in the first place, -- or the Medical establishment (including the Pediatric and Psychiatric - treating the consequent physiological and neurological damage) and all their associates, who, by default or intent, may have overlooked doing correct diagnoses and finding true cause, -- yet have profited from it! So I beg you to please accelerate this information by not waiting, for the time being, by bypassing broadcast media and newspaper's time demanding, cumbersome or refusals to publish processes, and share this site with all you know, while also contacting and encouraging all Media and Government efforts for me. -- We have Winter-like cold nights returning in the high mountain communities, and families without knowing, are being poisoned, with their innocent babies, the house bound, elderly and the handicapped still being damaged, and more potentially dying! -- In my science, experience and logic, I know it, and the data provided in this website proves it. And without the instant broad and caring cooperation of Government, Medicine and Media, I feel frustrated and helpless to stop it -- even if it is to save only one more infant or one more precious family member from being made ill, damaged or lost to one more poisonous night or day! -- Thomas L Rodgers 3/18/08, edited 6/9/08, 6/17/08, 7/4/08, 8/3/08, 8/12/08, 9/24/08, 10/21/08, 11/13/08, 11/14/08 ![]() Thomas L Rodgers, [ LifeSave Biological Research & Education, PO Box 304, Bountiful,Utah 84011-0304 ] 801-298-9095 (or Tom@LifeSave.org) I want to give special honor Joshua Moses Bennett for freely helping advise David Conrad in preparing his papers and arguments for the Court. Joshua has also served as a witness and recorder for me as I opened this case to many of the responsible players as listed in page "Those who know" Thanks also to Jorge Riveros with opening his political, ecclesiastical and media contacts for me (some listed) and caring about those thousands who are left in harms way without warning, so no attention is brought to their existence even being here. Thanks to long time friend and science colleague, Dr Jay Bishop, for immediately recognizing the truth which I identified and disclosed. Then for standing up for me and the innocent victims being injured in this medical and bureaucratic debauchery. For being a second scientific witness to my disclosure, as well as defending me and my integrity in the face of the amoral and evil men injuring me (including professionally, economicallly socially and ecclesiastically) in their attempt to discredit me, suppress my disclosure and cover up their own negligence, incompetence, malfeasance and fraud (which could have killed this child and destroyed this family -- as it continues to do to 26 to 34 million unwarned others). TLR 6/7/09 1. Easy
to share "Gassing America"
Flier: DanielFlier-LegislativeNotice-BackToBack.doc (single
sheet, back to back)
2. Deseret News, SLC Ut. Elaine Jarvik's "In The Air - Carbon Monoxide Crusade: Duo's War Against HUD" or pdf 3. Press Release - CO Warning To All Residents In Manufactured And Mobile Homes.doc (23 Sept 09) 4. Need for caring friends to identify and mitigate for victims - GassingAmerica-LoveThyNeighbor.doc 5. Your Mobile Home may be Poisoning You and Your Family -- What you can do right now to be safe! 6. Legal Americans being left to injury / death to cover-up housing of illegals - HUD & FEMA Kill, HHS covers. . . Other (older) Fliers: Flier: FlierComplete (Webpage) FlierComplete (MSWd) in Spanish Daniel Aviso en MSWord Press Release: Press Release - CO Warning To All Citizens - 2 Sept 08 - State Closed Eyes (MSWord) Public Notice: Public Notice - (2 Nov 08)(MSWd) Legislative / Public Notice: LegislativePublicNotice (MSWord) [Back page for Legislative and Public Notice: "Those Who Know": Back-ThoseWhoKnow (MSWord)] Utah Legislature Initial Notices: UtahLegislatureInitialNotice-Senate, UtahLegislatureInitialNotice-House Utah Legislative / Public Notice (followup page): UtahLegislativePublicNotice (MSWord) > As of 12 March 2010 -- See my (T Rodgers) testimony with others before EPA (FEMA and HUD) Investigative Hearing in New Orleans 3/4/09. (Original transcript in pdf only came today, 12 March 2010, after asking for it one year -- my testimony is referenced on page 96, then begins on page 114 and finishes on 125. On a projection screen, I had set up video of smoke and photo of deathly ill infant -- yet my description of what was being viewed by the committee and audience is curiously missing. But I have inserted the photos and video that was projected that day so you can see what the transcript has left out.) > As of 6 May 2010 HUD's MHCC - Manufactured Housing Consensus Committee meeting, Fall 2009, DC (Arlington Va.) Minutes, with my (Thomas L Rodgers) presentation, testimony and discussion references included. -- And my report of following MHCC meeting Mar 28-30, 2010, Tulsa, which I just returned from Sunday. Questions: Thomas Rodgers, call 801-298-9095 (anytime) email: Tom@LifeSave.org Mail: PO Box 304, Bountiful, Utah, 84011-0304
Then again at seven days, after he (my true friend) had traveled 140 miles to my home, investigated, discovered, photographed, documented, obtained wittinesses and demonstrated facts, and presented that evidence to them, they still refused to accept fact or treat me properly -- and even returned me unwarned back to my toxic home! Thankfully my folks knew our devoted friend was right, and in their perfect love of me they held true to his diagnoses and his exposure of fact, and gave me eight months of their pure love, my mom's wonderful mother's milk, her pure foods, and safe air! -- the honorable "prescription" of our true friend! Now look at me! I am so happy to be alive, with my parents, with my brothers and sisters, and with my true friend (and his friends) who really did care about me! He saved my life! -- and is still laboring here to save yours! -- Baby Daniel Conrad 10/21/08 Contrary to the malicious diagnosis, actions, claims and predictions made by Local and State (IHC) Medicine. DCFS, the self-serving Lawyers and the State of Utah in their attempt to take me and profit through the destruction of my entire family -- instead, correctly nurtured with 20 months of my family's pure love, pure food and Pure Air (no more of HUD's malfeasantly designed and State allowed toxic Carbon Monoxide) -- I am happy, healthy and progressing! Yahoo, lets ride! -- Thank you, Tom Rodgers, for saving my life, and that of my family! -- and now, as you have identified and disclosed, even millions more! You are my unselfish, true and honorable friend! -- Baby Daniel Conrad 10/8/09 (All photos/videos of BabyDaniell.htm) |
See: DanielInTheLionsDen.us
/ DanielAndHisFieryFurnace.us /
DeadlyFumes.us -- Translated into Spanish , Russian and other languages by Alta Vista's BableFish. -- Click Nation's flag for its language. -- Or click here, then write: DeadlyFumes.us into the "Translate a Web page" window, -- set "Select from and to languages" desired, then click "Translate" button |
Please know that none of this life-saving information would be discovered and exposed if it where not through the humble, kind sacrifice of my dear friends Paul and Mary Mendenhall ![]() ![]() (I have been ask to go to DC for my NCAI friends and their infants; I need another small miracle for that.) Thomas L Rodgers (sometimes misspelled as the more common "Rogers" - but am not offended.) Ph 801-298-9095 (Please call anytime) ![]() PO Box 304 Bountiful Utah 84011 If you can help just a little, use instructions at this link > Email: Tom@LifeSave.org or Tom@TomRodgers.org -- but please, if you can, also call me to have me watch for it. ![]() |