![]() Still No Due Process or Justice in Utah! Utah DCFS, Juevinile Court Judges, GAL, IHC Medicine, even Family Defense Lawyers and Utah's AG are appearently Ok! with Carbon Monoxide killing babies!!! Please! Tell Us Why! - a letter to Utah Legislators - Please See, Print, Staple & Share these few pages given to our Utah Legislators! Read everything below in Family Vs State . . . |
![]() Teen Screen "Holocaust" in USA! This child and her sister are set up to die in Illinois State DCFS care! A loving (Jewish) Mother's fight to save her own flesh and blood, from the molestation, abuse & drugging of A State (in the U.S.A.?) Gone Mad with Medical Mind Control of Children! Does Natzi Germany's Dr Mengele still Live and Experiment on Children? Yes, in Illinois DCFS! ChildrensHolocaustUSA.org |
Again the State of Utah and IHC Medicine want you to believe that nursing infants are not harmed by Carbon Monoxide - - but are because they don't eat animal flesh, fluids, or ova in the family's refrigerator or have it rotting inside their nursing mothers' bellies! see: DanielInTheLionsDen.us |
. Family Vs State . . . |
![]() . Some "honorable" Civil Servants with any intelligence, integrity and "civility" should have forewarned these conscientious, industrious, dedicated and loving young parents, Carolee and Dan Thaxton -- the gentle daughter and worthy son-in-law of talented Clay & Diane Christiansen -- with this immoral reality and more honest warning: |
The Utah State Attorney General, an Assistant State Medical Examiner, Bountiful City, its Police, Medics, Fire, & Inspection, DCFS, SHF, UUMC, PCMC/IHC, two Juvenile Judges, Sen. Eastman & DCFS Dir. (Bshp) Richard Anderson -- even paid Family "defense?" Law Lawyers insist, Babies Breathing Furnace Fumes! -- is NO Problem at All! But claim
living a World proven Healthy Lifestyle Is??
Then threatened the last courageous lawyer who attempted to submit the facts! But even so submitted, the evidence was never allowed by the Judge, DCFS, IHC or the Attorney General to be opened, examined, argued or ever considered! -- not even with any genuine concern for the true safety of the other children and family left, or especially the surviving infant, already damaged within it and the State/IHC misdiagnoses' irrefutable harm! |
Before reading my rage charged writings, which accompany my diligence, discovery, and diclosure of evidence on this case (presented in this web site) -- go first to a friend's Press Release, written early in this case, which is concise, clear and objective (without the burden of my discontent and contempt for the Professional, Bureaucratic and Legal incompetence and immorality exhibited in this case)! PRESS
read my timeline of facts (written early, under the pressures of
my personal efforts to do diligence, discovery and get this couple's infant
child returned, while also trying to meet my own family needs! -- so it
does carry my justified indignation!)
please return here and put up with my discontent and contempt as you learn
more details, see evidence, documents, including the Police, Medical, and
Legal reports, and learn the truth!
Still Today, July 8, 2008, This combined Real-Estate, Inspection, Gas Utility, Bountiful City, Utah State, Bureaucratic, Medical and Legal Boondoggle -- with its pitifully collaborated criminal charge concocted and levied in joined ignorance against this innocent family instead, is maintained in deceit and perpetual convenience to obscure each agency's combined professional and individual inept failure, dereliction of duty and fraud! -- And 52 months after the facts have been disclosure, this Utah State conjured injustice still prevails! But if you were to talk today to DCFS, the Utah State Attorney General or any of the prosecution or their paid-off media, they will "tell" you that "they" (DCFS, PCMC, UUMC and State Law) have "restored" the family and they have returned to normal and whole with their "neglect" case as "Dismissed without Prejudice"! So they delude you into believing the family is restored and all is resolved and corrected justice given. Not So!!! and Wrong! -- If you know the true terms of law -- their "Dismissed Without Prejudice" is a subtle stall (and cover) and a handy courtroom ploy to hamstring honest Due Process and any honorable Judgment; and that allows the malfeasant law, DCFS and IHC medicine to continue to financially bleed and quiet the family -- while the Attorney General, the family-rights-betraying Legislators and the Juvenile Judge(s) retain their Nov 2nd votes to slip back into their mercenary offices again -- while immorally protecting their collaborated bureaucracies, medicine and Lawyers! So this innocent family still has not been given Due Process, had the true facts and evidence acknowledged, argued, to be rightfully judged innocent -- while the real child killers and family harmers have not even been exposed, indicted, summoned, cross examined, tried or made liable or responsible to make any repair for their mistakes or compensate for the death and health damage to this once fully trusting young family! The betraying Family Law Lawyers herein named, and Judge Kathleen Nelson, Judge Stanton Taylor, the Utah State Attorney General, Mark Shurtleff, his prosecution Attorney, Cliff Peterson and the responsible Legislators, including fully informed Governor Jon Huntsman Jr who vetoed HB-42 anyway (thus protecting DCFS, PCMC, IHC, & UUMed), refuse, to date, to provide this case justice! -- while they maintain their positions and control, and continue to collect their opulent public provided pay, and leave this family (and others with them) in legal, bureaucratic, medical, social, emotional and economic hell! -- While "Good" Men (still) Do Nothing! But you can! |
![]() ![]() ![]() even though a clearly indicative Carbon Monoxide detector sounded in presence of and was recorded by Bountiful City Police, Paramedics & Coroner as they were in the home to examine & remove the deceased child's body, then was irresponsibly overlooked or ignored -- specifically by the Utah State Medical Examiner! -- That flawed, CO testing absent, postmortem combined with other's abject professional ignorance and contributed legal dereliction began the Thaxton family's awful and unlawful, State, IHC and DCFS created hell! So this deceased child's
real cause of death still today is intentionally
ignored as these above listed performance flawed "aid-and-abettors"
individuals and their bureaucracies cloak themselves in State and Juvenile
Court-provided immunity from this innocent family's violation in their
unprofessional oversights and misguided actions, while they perpetually
enrich themselves upon the victim family's income! -- and our public
Then can you believe it? - These same confederated players, the State Assistant Medical Examiner, with DCFS, SHF, UofU-Med, IHC-PCMC, AG, two Juvenile Judges and even the family's own first "Defense" Lawyer(s), in protection of their own investigative errors and in opportunistic contempt for the truth and honest law, acting with and exploiting the accusatory nutritionally ignorant relatives, blamed this innocent Family's conscientious, scientifically supported healthy diet.instead! -- Does this cheerful, handsome son (above left), Dan Jr, who once was so precious to his family, look like he was deficient, malnourished, abused or neglected to you? -- They (DCFS, SHF &
UUMC / PCMC) then seized
the Thaxton's other
barely surviving the following winter's furnace-fumes harmed perfect breast milk nursing.infant
It is obvious in this case,
that Utah's so-called "Child Protective?"
Services -- with their Juvenile Judge
as solemedical
providers and as the only "legal"
pediatric contractees; and by
never addressing
the first child's asphyxiation death
cause with the Furnace
Exhaust Violation and its Carbon
Monoxide risk to all others in the home --
-- also given to all Utah State Legislators last year (at the start of their Feb 2004 Session): |
![]() This case correcting evidence, disclosed
us), included:
-- But!
Judge Nelson ruled nothing about a bad furnace! -- Then she immediately recused herself from any more function in this case! And now her substitute Judge Stanton M Taylor refused our fifth "better" attorney's motion for retrial on the real evidence! -- evidence clearly and directly affecting the safety of the "only conditionally returned" baby Matthew and his other young sibling sisters - and his parents! Safety of children seems that it should be the first concern of Kathleen Nelson's court! But not here! Why??? So who
were the so-called "family" defense lawyers and Juvenile Judge(s) really
This is the Thaxton home as they purchased it Oct 1999 in innocent trust! Note the red arrow showing furnace exhaust! & fresh air intake adjacent! ![]() This chart below is the family's time line of experience, the dark half-bubbles represent the exhaust / C O exposures (Click on chart below or here for easiy to read full size versions) ![]() These winter photos show the furnace exhaust vapors mushroomed by the night-time prevailing "Canyons" breeze!
1. The State Medical Examiner, Maureen
J. Frikke, who two months after myocadia, aspiration was listed
as cause, amended the Death Certificate,
with "DCFS help,"
to "nutritional abuse!" and then with hateful contempt,
blamed the family's Vegetarian diet! -- with nothing at all
about CO poisoning!
WHY REFUSED??? -- Who (or what) are all the prosecuting
agents above worried about? --
Include in your efforts, challenging your Congressmen, Legislators; especially this family's local Legislators here in Bountiful Utah, Dan Eastman and Sheryl Allen, the Governor of Utah, the AG and all our State Legislators and potentual future Candidates! -- also DCFS, The Medical Examiner, SHF, UofU Med Center and PCMC (IHC) and all players in this case! Please share this case with all you know; especially Heating Contractors, Professors and Technicians of Environmental and Biological Sciences and related practices, savvy and honorable Medical Practitioners, ParaMedics, Coroners, Morticians, Police, Fire Marshals and their Depts., Real Estate Brokers, Construction Industry and all City and State Inspectors! Lawyers and Bureaucrats! -- and ALL your friends !!! -- Everyone's family safety, innocence and rights are at risk here! -- Also sign petition linked on next page, FamilyVsState.org - Continued. --
If we don't get this corrected, you, your children or your friends may
be next to be violated in this prejudice, ignorance and collusive malfeasance
of pathetic medical, bureaucratic and legal unprofessionalism, error,
profiteering and corruption!
Printable original short version / portions of above to share as Fliers > FlierTaxton4 (color), FlierThaxton5 & Rear (blk/wt) Read On!... Please!... Family Vs State.org - Continued*! then "Thaxton Family Accused Of Neglect" (posted 7 April 2004) - by Editorial friend David Hansen |
If you talk to DCFS, the Attorney General or any of their prosecution medical or their paid (advertisement dominated) media, they will convincingly assure you that "they" have "restored" baby Matthew to the family and they are returned to normal and whole, with their "neglect" case "dismissed, without prejudice"! Again wrong! - If you know the true terms of law, this "dismissed, without prejudice" judgment, is a subtle stall (leaving the case open, unresolved) and a cover for themselves and is another courtroom tool to hamstring due process and quiet the family (as they did the first time when in their inital collusion they falsely accused the family for the death of Dan J. before!) -- --
so they (the judge and prosecution) never have to argue the truth and never
have to admit to any error of their own diligence, discovery, due process
and judgment of law; and never indict the real child killer(s); and as
an intended consequence, the inept malpracticing medicine and defense law
accomplices, including The State Medical Examiner, DCFS, IHC/PCMC, UUMC,
Family Practice Law -- and The Attorney General himself with his agent
attorney Cliff Peterson -- who by denying the very admission, disclosure
and discussion of the true cause, protects himself, these prosecutors,
and accusing practitioners all! (while he and his Juvenile Court Judges
get voted back into office again and paid even more with our public funds!)
Please See, Print, Staple and Share these pages (as fliers)! 1. Flier: Babies Breathing Furnace Fumes OK for Government! 2. Rear page: What & Why? (Flier Rear Complete) 3. Police Report Circa Dan Jr's. Death: CO Alarm Recorded! & Ignored in Post-mortem! 4. Challenge to Legislators Tell Us Why (No Justice Still) Given to Legislators (again) Mar 2005 Then
Jon Huntsman Jr. Vetoed Family Medical Rights bill HB42 after all!
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
![]() Open and access your personal Millennium! Then act to open the Lord's Millennium for your children, grandchildren and all creation! The Gate is a comprehensive collection of Scripture, Prophetic instruction, and honorable science; all lighting the way into both your own personal Millennial blessings and a World Society's era of promised peace, healing, fullness of knowledge, freedom and happiness, as pointed toward and petitioned from us by our Heavenly Father, His Son, our Savior, His Prophets and all honorable mankind and creatures since Creation! Carefully compiled
and presented by KK Fowlkes, "The Gate" is available for you to freely
read on line -- or is obtainable in paper back book form.
![]() Salt Lake City Public Library Main Branch Patio-Square Outdoor Amphitheater 200 East 400 South |
Veg-Fest-Utah-2005 ![]() Saturday April 23 2005, 10 am-6 pm
Click here to see the full program and awesome activities! VegFestUtah.org Also at Utah Valley location -- 7pm in evening -- Sponsered by Prof. Chris Foster |
EarthJam, SLC, Sat. Sept 10 2005 Hope to see you next year! |
To Family Vs State.org - continued . . .. |
caused by similar Bureaucratic folly and Medical immorality and greed! ![]() ![]() of See another case of a State, CPS, Lawyers, and Psychiatry out of control; using Public Education and their own concocted "mental health screening", ruining two children, their mother and a whole (otherwise professionally educated) family! -- for immoral opportunity, control, justification of existence, cover-up and money! See Teen Screen "Holocaust" in USA -- Ariela and Eifrat Kauffman interned in a State gone mad with Medical drugging and mind control of children! then see AbleChild.org and "American Children Trapped in Illinois" |