> Flier Rear (Complete) .htm
This listed irrefutable (tested, documented, and blatantly obvious to anyone with sight and reason) evidence, even when asked, was not presented  by the first, nor three more so-called juvenile, Utah "Family Law" Defense??? lawyers! -- Why???
(1)  PCMC & Clinic 6's testing data on this Vegetarian mother's excellent blood and breast milk B12 & other Nutrients;
(2)  PCMC's own MRI done on Matthew, discounting the bogus B12 "nutritional neglect" or "substantiated" neglect claims;
(3)  Dan Jr's fatal, Matthew's near fatal & entire family's seasonal chronic Carbon Monoxide, Furnace exhaust exposures;
-- But! -- when finally submitted by our fifth lawyer, all was firmly objected-to & refused by PCMC, DCFS & the Attorney Generals Office, and was never acknowledged nor considered by Judge Kathleen M Nelson in her final ruling against this family's freedom of medical service, only PCMC!!! or any second opinion, and against their proven healthiest lifestyle choices!
She ruled nothing about a bad furnace! -- Then immediately recused herself from any more function in this case! And now substitute Judge Stanton M Taylor refused our good attorneys motion for retrial on the real evidence -- directly affecting the safety of "conditionally returned" baby Matthew, the other young sibling sisters and their parents! 
Now the Attorney General has threatened our good attorney with reprisal for presenting these above truths! Tell us Why?
These issues are presented and discussed in detail in these web pages and links following
This is the Thaxton home as they purchased it in innocent trust Oct 1999 -- 

Note the red arrow showing furnace exhaust 

This chart below is the family's time line of experience, the dark half-bubbles represent the exhaust / C O exposures

These winter photos show the furnace exhaust mushroomed by the evening through morning prevailing breeze!
  This furnace exhaust outlet (mistaken by this untrained family and friends as a dryer vent) was in place when this trusting young couple purchased the home - as show with red arrow in the Realtors photo above! - It is low in an east facing front wall below bedroom window, close to basement family room /playroom, front door & living room windows!  And is also trapped by porch & roof overhang!
  But (which should be and is obvious to any good, honorable and clear thinking professional) the most  endangering in this exhaust arrangement is the less than 12 inches that measures between the furnace exhaust and the only fresh air (gravity flow) intake - the square vent (behind roof drain) - with the prevailing nightly East wind forcing exhaust into the whole house.  Only supply of air to closed-up house!
Yet this evidence has been refused by:
The State Medical Examiner, Maureen J. Frickke ,
DCFS, Cindy Barker-Greenland (current case worker), Deanna Muegglson, Dana Guertin, and DCFS Director, Richard Anderson (Senator Dan Eastman's good friend!)
GAL, Katherina Christensen
PCMC & UoU Clinic 6, Lori Frazier, W Daniel Jackson & (the court dictated medical provider) Lisa Samson Fang, 
AG  Cliff Peterson, Mark Shurtleff, 
Juvenile Court Judge Kathleen M Nelson (who recused herself) & Stanton M Taylor (who denied retrial with this correcting and exonerating evidence that any stupid man understands! 
(Even the family's first four so-called family defense Lawyers Matthew Hilton, Douglas Thayer, Kathleen McConkie, Matthew Barnick refused to enter and present this clearly critical -- to the true compromised safety and damage cause of the children and family (including the CO alarm sounding listed in the original police report for Dan Jr's death) -- but only railroaded the family deeper into DCFS PCMC AG psyc-evals (instead of immediate Carbon Monoxide testing), DCFS dependency and service plans and court orders, all upon their fabricated nutritional abuse and medical negligent indictment! -- to the costly tune of over $45,000 already from the young Thaxton Family and the Maternal Grandparents -- Community & World  Honored and Talented Clay and Diane Christiansen!)
WHY? --
Who or what are they all worried about? --
-- The correctly identified cause of death for Dan Jr?
or its connection with his sickened infant brother that they ignorantly abducted and misdiagnosed? 
-- the little sisters, mother and father who with more fresh air opportunities survived herein? -- 
-- or covering their own bungled investigation, vile vegetarian-hate triggered mis-diagnosis and mis-treatments and their vicious (nursing) infant separation trauma (damage and tremors) which they ineptly foisted upon an asphyxiation and infection struggling baby Matthew, his loving mother, father, two little sisters and supporting maternal grandparents???

Get the answers and the truth on this case. then act to right this awful miscarriage of justice! Including challenging your Congressmen, Legislators, our Governor, the AG and all candidates! -- DCFS, The Medical Examiner and PCMC! 

Share this case with all you know, Heating Contractors, Professors and Technicians of science and related savvy practices, honorable Medical Practitioners, Real Estate Brokers and Inspectors, 
-- and ALL your friends !!! (Vegetarians or Not! everyone's family rights are at risk here.)
-- If we don't get this corrected, you, your children or your friends may be next to be violated in this prejudice, ignorance, malfeasance & pathetic medical and bureaucratic unprofessionalism!   > Flier Rear (Complete) .htm

Please See, Print, Staple and Share these pages (as fliers)!
1. Flier: Babies Breathing Furnace Fumes OK for Government!
2. This Page above:  Rear page: What & Why? (Flier Rear Complete)
3. Police Report Circa Dan Jr's. Death: CO Alarm Recorded! & Ignored in Post-mortem!
4. Challenge to Legislators Tell Us Why (No Justice Still) Given to Legislators (again) Mar 2005