![]() 80 - 120 Thousand families and individuals in Utah are at risk of subtle CO poisoning in HUD's Manufactured & Mobile Homes! |
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Because HUD has controlled the Manufactured / Mobile Home Construction industry since June 15, 1976, and chosen to violate critical health and safety code -- and HHS and AMA Medicine have been
complicit and covering up for them -- it is necessary for you to "Love Thy Neighbor!" ![]() To save innocent lives! -- since, after two years of clear notice, HUD, its over-sight committee, your Federal Government, HHS and the AMA, have done nothing to correct their life-injuring error! -- this problem requires the intervention and actions of a loving or sincerely caring neighbor, extended family member, kindly associate or friend -- like you! -- This harmful, even deadly situation which exists for some 30 million of your neighbors, their infants and families with them, must be identified and mitigated by an observant, clear headed, caring neighbor, associate or friend! -- again, like you, who is caring, rational -- and dedicated to saving humanity enough to read this! -- -- And worse, in their subtle states of respired exhaust fumes hypoxia and Carbon Monoxide (CO) intoxication, their reasoning is often markedly impaired -- so their sense of risk, danger, or urgency is made almost always -- even fatally -- compromised to non-existent! -- and they do not easily recognize it! ![]() So saving their lives, and the lives of their precious infants or their families living with them, may truly depend only upon genuinely loving, astute, informed and wise, functioning and courageous friends like you -- armed with this truth! -- Right now, for their immediate safety, all you need is a ladder, a large garbage bag, some cord or duct-tape, and just a little understanding! -- So please read on! tlr 1/16/10. edited 5/4/10, 5/19/10, 12/7/10
Have you or anyone you know been unusually ill this Winter? HUD, Federal & Utah State Bureaucracy may be the cause! . ![]() The pipe at far left, installed only 3 feet! from the furnace flue and precisely in its path of toxic fumes is a Mfd. home's Breathing-Air Intake -- as ordered by HUD! -- So you have been placed in harms way by the very Bureaucracy whose oaths and claims are to guarantee your safety and to protect you and your children from the very harm which they have permitted! ![]() -- just as it has done with this baby Daniel's parents in Manti, Utah! Please check the following questions, see baby Daniel's experience, learn the facts, then demand correction to protect your own family! Do you live in a Combustion Heated HUD (or FEMA) "Certified as Safe" Manufactured or Mobile (Trailer type) Home? . ![]() Illnesses, Injuries and Deaths are Experienced as a Consequence: Did you or anyone you know have one or more of the following symptoms? Unexplained (chronic) fatigue, bouts of nausea, headaches, appearance of intoxication (without drinking), loss of memory, agitation, flu-like (but without fever) symptoms, rosacea (a red skin blush), purple, pale or jaundice, general weakness, nose-bleeds, coughing spells (sometimes with blood) labored breathing, struggle for air, light headedness, lethargy, fainting spells, listlessness, inability to sleep soundly, loss of appetite, reduced fertility, reduced virility, miscarriage, birth defects, numerological and physiological fetal damage in pregnancy, unexplainable weight loss or gain, or unusual heart problems: angina, arrhythmia, myocarditis, infarction, etc (all are absolute expressions of CO induced hypoxia). ![]() Did you find any elderly or otherwise infirmed unusually listless, slowed, or unresponsive, where they had been communicative, bright, or active prior? Do you know of any children, adolescents or adult who were healthy before, but curiously became subtly to seriously ill as Winter commenced, deepened and progressed -- then with warming weather (less furnace operation), they may have "miraculously" improved! -- or someone who did not make it though the Winter, yet should have! -- or who died for no solidly diagnosed reason. -- -- Too often Carbon Monoxide victims are mis-diagnosed with heart and lung disease, leukemia, diabetes, malnutrition, vitamin B12 deficiency, depression, endocrine or genetic disorders, etc, etc, etc. even Munchausen by Proxy (it fits easily); then are expensively (futilely, even dangerously) treated into bankruptcy for those, when all that was really needed was a simple $40.00 (Carboxyhemoglobin) test, and prescribed the simple (and cheap) treatment of clean air, clean food and genuine love! -- none for which a Doctor, Hospital, the State, its Bureaucracy or their Lawyers can extravagantly charge and honestly profit! -- And worse, being returned to the same toxic environment to repeat the illness cycles, establish more damage, even to die! -- tlr 3/17/08 You deserve to know truth and find real cause! -- so you can preserve yourself and your family! You may find the cause of your family's Winter illnesses in this baby and his family's experience! -- Go to: Daniel in the Lions Den |
65% of HUD certified homes
(spc. manufactured homes and trailers) in the West are occupied by Spanish (usually the
low payed farm and unskilled menial labor) families. The next group of
occupancy are African
Americans (specifically the New Orleans - Katrina victims)! followed by the Native Americans! then
the Elderly,
Handicapped, Young and Single Mother Families, Farmers and their Labor, Mining and Drilling Labor, Rural
Clergy, Missionaries,
State, and Federal Field
Agents, Rangers and Officers, and our selfless Military!
-- Yet no-one in HUD,
Federal or State
Bureaucracy (Medicine
and Mainstream Media) has
cared enough to warn these families and individuals that
some of their Winter
illnesses and deaths
are a result of this egregious
HUD created and
State permitted deadly
Furnace / Water Heater exhaust / Fresh Air Adder design! --
Why? -- How did HUD get away with setting their own minimum distance regulation at only 3 ft while all others like the American Gas Association, National Association of Home Builders, all HVAC Manufacturers, and most State and local Codes usually demand 12 to 14 feet? The minimum I have found (tolerated in restrictive industrial construction) is 10 feet per ICC's International Mechanical Code. TLR -- When you entered into your HUD home, did your State licensed inspector [if in Utah] alert you to your potentially lethal HUD created asphyxiation possibility? If he did not, why not? Ask his bosses why not? TLR -- In last 10 minutes of 28 May 08 Radio interview, Utah AG Mark Shurtleff & I expose this case & this problem. Audio Utah Attorney General Mark Shurtleff interview (hr 2) by Mark Maxon on KTKK AM 630 SLC Ut -- in last 30 min of the 3 hour Utah State Legislature's Political Subdivisions Interim Committee Wed 18 Jun 08 Meeting on Affordable Housing, I presented this case as example of HUD Manufactured Housing's Carbon Monoxide (& Formaldehyde) poisoning issue, as exposed herein. See Notice, see Agenda, hear Audio (mp3). |
"Carbon monoxide is the leading
cause of fatal poisoning in the industrialized world,
as well as being
endemic in many parts of the developing world," says Dr. Joseph Fisher,
an anesthesiologist at Toronto General Hospital, University Health
Network. "In North America, it results in as many as 70,000 emergency
room visits a year and in thousands of deaths. Up to 30 per cent of
survivors of severe poisoning are left with disabling psychological and
neurological symptoms, which sometimes last for years." Sadly HUD, Federal, State, (Utah State and even Local Bureaucracies) and Medicine (IHC) have ignored and deliberately avoided identification, diagnoses, proper treatment (with simple cheap oxygen and free fresh air thereafter), or to inform and initiate corrections for the Carbon Monoxide poisoning cause; but have instead sent the innocent and uninformed victims back to their toxic homes to be further poisoned, injured, even killed. None of these agencies (who were created, paid for, and claim to have our health interests as their responsibility) have moved to rectify this asinine and deadly HUD regulation. In 11 months, none have even dared challenge -- never testing and publishing their test results -- to even prove us wrong -- but instead have deliberately avoided answer and have even maliciously labored to injure, obstruct and suppress our findings. In 11 months (since March 2008) HUD, the Federal and State Bureaucracies and Medicine have done nothing to correct, inform or protect the nearly 26 million Americans living in these potentially poisonous homes which they regulate and license. The Bureaucracies and profiting Medicine (which has now allowed millions of injuries and deaths to occur) have instead interfered with our efforts at media coverage and left the poor and other vulnerable infants, individuals and families, injured and still dying! -- tlr 12/30/08
-- To get complete understanding through our discovery and labors to save a victimized family, go to: Daniel in the Lions Den .us -- also known as Deadly Fumes .us >> See: What you must do to protect yourself. -- View our simple suggestions to protect you and your family. 1. Easy to share "Gassing America" Flier: DanielFlier-LegislativeNotice-BackToBack.doc (single sheet, back to back)
> New as of 12 March 2010
-- See my (T Rodgers) testimony with others before EPA (FEMA and HUD) Investigative Hearing in New Orleans 3/4/09.2. Deseret News, SLC Ut. Elaine Jarvik's "In The Air - Carbon Monoxide Crusade: Duo's War Against HUD" or pdf 3. Press Release - CO Warning To All Residents In Manufactured And Mobile Homes.doc (23 Sept 09) 4. Need for caring friends to identify and mitigate for victims - GassingAmerica-LoveThyNeighbor.doc 5. Your Mobile Home may be Poisoning You and Your Family -- What you can do right now to be safe! 6. Legal Americans being left to injury / death to cover-up housing of illegals - HUD, FEMA Kill, HHS covers. . or - Human Traffickers Of Illegals Profit As HUD Houses Hides Injures HHS Covers-Up.doc Flier in Spanish Daniel Aviso en MSWord Other (older) Fliers: Actions affecting the Native American Communities: -- Communications and proposed Resolution to NCAI and BIA during conference in DC, Feb 28 - Mar 3, 2010 -- see Communication and Resolution to NCAI and BIA from this page (Original transcript in pdf only came today, 12 March 2010, after asking for it one year -- my testimony is referenced on page 96, then begins on page 114 and finishes on 125. On a projection screen, I had set up video of smoke and photo of deathly ill infant -- yet my description of what was being viewed by the committee and audience is curiously missing. But I have inserted the photos and video that was projected that day so you can see what the transcript has left out.) > As of 6 May 2010 HUD's MHCC - Manufactured Housing Consensus Committee meeting, Fall 2009, DC (Arlington Va.) Minutes, with my (Thomas L Rodgers) presentation, testimony and discussion references included. -- And my report of following MHCC meeting Mar 28-30, 2010, Tulsa, which I just returned from Sunday. Questions: Thomas Rodgers, call 801-298-9095 (anytime) email: Tom@LifeSave.org Mail: PO Box 304, Bountiful, Utah, 84011-0304
Please know that none of this life-saving information would be discovered and exposed if it where not through the humble, kind sacrifice of my dear friends Paul and Mary Mendenhall ![]() ![]() (I have been ask to go to DC for my NCAI friends and their infants; I need another small miracle for that.) Thomas L Rodgers (sometimes misspelled as the more common "Rogers" - but am not offended.) Ph 801-298-9095 (Please call anytime) ![]() PO Box 304 Bountiful Utah 84011 If you can help just a little, use instructions at this link > Email: Tom@LifeSave.org or Tom@TomRodgers.org -- but please, if you can, also call me to have me watch for it.
Go to: Daniel
in the Lions Den .us to complete the understanding which can save you and
your child!
(or GasesMortales.us) is translated into other Languages using the complete site: DanielInTheLionsDen.us / DanielAndHisFieryFurnace.us / DeadlyFumes.us and is translated into Spanish , Russian and other languages by Alta Vista's BableFish. -- Click desired National flag for its language. -- Or click here, then write: DeadlyFumes.us into the "Translate a Web page" window, -- set "Select from and to languages" desired, then click "Translate" button |
![]() Please help keep this website, its information and our efforts working. Mail: PO Box 304 Bountiful Utah 84011-0304 |