Temporary Solution! -- our simple
instructions: . . . including a "5¢" instantly lifesaving, self-fix
solution! More photos & graphs are coming to show you exactly what I am talking about -- so please return if you need to. |
![]() What you can do right now to prevent your own or your family's poisoning! -- at least until proper HUD (U.S. Government) correction is made! -- -- fixing from outside, all you need is a ladder, a large garbage bag, cord or tape, -- or fixing from inside, a plastic lid and good duct tape -- and a little understanding! 1. Close off and prevent contaminated air from entering HUD's "Dilution Air Intake" as follows: ![]() -- in this example, that breathing air intake is the shorter, single capped (single bonnetted pipe) stack at the left, -- it is the only stack that always is cool the touch (the furnace and water heater exhausts will be warm or hot periodically as they are in use). . . . then with cord or tape (duct tape, electrical tape or any other durable tape that will survive the sun, rain or snow) tie the bag tightly closed around the riser pipe (below the cap). Now no fumes can enter into the home through that Dilution Air intake stack. -- See how easy that was! ![]() ![]() -- It is important that the surfaces be carefully cleaned, so the tape will hold securely the plastic lid and the tape itself to the surface so that neither will fall away and get drafted into the blower fan. -- So if you do use this way to close off that intake, check it periodically to be sure that the tape is holding -- at least until more secure closure and/or permanent corrections have been made. -- This altenative method also is easy! c. Now be sure to allow for some fresh air to enter home through window(s) left slightly opened. -- This is to allow replenishing of the oxygen that you and your family have used up in your breathing needs. d. Also remember that Gas fired Cook-Stoves (Ranges) and Ovens also produce dangerous exhaust fumes that are expelled directly into your kitchen and the connected rooms; so make sure to turn on range hood vent fan (it should be venting Stove / Oven exhaust to outside) -- or open window(s) in kitchen enough to let fresh air in, and fumes to go out. -- And especially do not leave infants or toddlers in any closed Kitchen while cooking or baking, as they are far more prone to those combustion exhaust fumes (all containing Carbon Monoxide, Formaldehyde, depleted Oxygen and elevated Carbon Dioxide, etc.) poisonings and suffocation injuries than older children or adults. 2. Keep furnace & water heater exhaust stacks clear of snow!and when possible extend their heights. a. Keep exhaust
stacks clear of snow!
-- Snow (or ice) must not be allowed to obstruct or close the
combustion air
intake (the lower bonnet and opening) or the exhaust exit (the upper
bonnet and
opening) of the furnace or water heater exhaust stack cap assemblies!
See all photos and explanations of "choke off" and "cavitation" on home page. b. When possible, extend height of stacks. This requires the labor of a skilled individual. Furnace and Water Heater stacks should have pipe section(s) added to raise combustion air intake and exhaust cap, bonnets and openings to be above potential snow cover and usually also to be higher (per local codes) than adjacent roof ridge or other obstructions to direct wind flow. Photos and descriptive drawing will be added here shortly -- today I am trying to find a small miracle so I can go DC with NCAI (National Congress of American Indians) to further expose this Federal bureaucratic blunder injuring them as well. So please return here if you need to, to understand better what you can do call me -- I will have my cell phone on. tlr 12/7/10 If you have questions, you can call me anytime: Thomas Rodgers, 801-298-9095 (forwards to my cell) 3. File Complaint with HUD and Manufacture as directed on previous page under "What you must do". I
suggest you duplicate your complaints and send copies to all your
Federal, State and Local officials. Also file copies with
your County Recorder for dated certification & future reference.
4. Contact all your Local, State, and Federal authorities; press them ALL to take steps to correct HUD. 5. Absolutely tell ALL others -- especially those living in these same type units -- or any who just might have family or friends who do! -- that really means every one. (Don't forget those in Military -- it uses manufactured / mobile housing units all over the world; Forest Service, DNR, Oil-Drillers, Mining, etc, etc. do too!) 6. Ask you Medical providers and your Community, County and State Health Department if they are testing, reporting & tracking Carbon Monoxide events at all. If not, why not! -- Refer them to this website! 7. Contact the Media, ask them why they have not warned the public about this poisoning risk, specifically for the most vulnerable Manufactured and Mobile home living families and individuals! 8. Please also contact me -- if you are comfortable in so doing -- so I can build a case file for review in Congress and to demand reparations. Also I need multiple case records to establish a basis of extent and importance of this issue, to obtain sufficient support for media coverage -- so if nothing more, to get them to help inform the near 26 million living at risk in these similarly configured Manufactured and Mobile home units. Thomas Rodgers
Ph. 801-298-9095, Email Tom@LifeSave.org, or mail letter to PO Box 304, Bountiful, Utah 84011-0304. |
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