Letter written and distributed by father of baby Daniel to key families of their Community, in Manti, Utah. Letter to Dear Friends of Our Community
4/11/08 Dear Friends, you may now go to the following website: DanielInTheLionsDen.us to see overwhelming evidence including video footage and other information about how this past winter's heavy snow year (heaviest snow year in 25 years – our first winter in the home) exponentially added to the problems resulting from a serious Carbon Monoxide related code violation in our home. After familiarizing yourself with the serious code violations that were present in our home; accentuated by this past winter's unusually heavy snow amounts – we would encourage you to check the configuration of those things in your own homes and protect yourselves and your family...especially those of you, or those you might know who are living in modular/manufactured homes (also trailers) that were made out of area and then not brought up to code to remain safe with this valley's snow potentials. Please feel free to pass this on to others in our community who might be interested to have the “rest of the story” about our family's ordeal. I have enclosed a paper entitled “When Philosophies Collide”, which also lays out our perspective on things. Feel free to print and distribute that. (That may now also be viewed on and downloaded from the website.) Thank you for the great love and support that we have felt from so many good, kind and caring people in this community. Dave, Mary, Whitney, Kelsi, Alan, Zachary & Baby Daniel P.S. YOU MAY ALSO NOW VIEW ON THE WEBSITE THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTS: STATE OF UTAH HARMS BABY, BLAMES PARENTS TAMPERING WITH WITNESSES AND OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE THE CARBON MONOXIDE COVER-UP REPUDIATION OF DCFS SERVICE AGREEMENT; ETC. (DearFriends.doc - in MSWord)
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