► Have you or
anyone you know been unusually ill this Winter? Have ![]() Has that same Bureaucracy instead, turned upon you, blamed you, threatened, charged or indicted you for the harm, illnesses, even deaths, which their oversight, incompetence, malfeasance or malice has brought upon you and your children? -- just as it has done with this baby Daniel and his parents in Manti, Utah! ► Please consider the above and following questions, see baby Daniel's experience, find your own answers, then demand correction to protect your family! Did you or anyone you know have one or more of the following symptoms? Unexplained (chronic) fatigue, bouts of nausea, headaches, loss of memory, agitation, flu-like (but without fever) symptoms, rosacea (a red skin blush) or jaundice, general weakness, nose-bleeds, coughing spells (sometimes with blood) labored breathing, struggle for air, light headedness, lethargy, fainting spells, listlessness, inability to sleep soundly, loss of appetite, reduced fertility, reduced virility, fetal damage, unexplainable weight loss or gain, or unusual heart problems: angina, arrhythmia, myocarditis, infarction, etc In Infants, any one of the symptoms above, and / or inconsolable crying (indicating headaches), inability to hold food down (nausea), inability to suckle (weakness), failure to thrive, and / or (misdiagnosed) symptoms of malnutrition, leukemia, diabetes, autoimmune, digestive, liver, heart, lung, neurological, endocrine or genetic disorders, etc. to "SIDS" and "crib death'' -- and since long term exposure can cause critical developing tissue failures, membrane (esp. cerebral) and vascular ruptures and associated hemorrhaging (hence subdermal, spontaneous bruising), some infant damages or deaths may be wrongly or falsly charged off as beatings, assault, even "shaken baby syndrome"! Did you find any elderly or otherwise infirmed unusually listless, slowed, or unresponsive during the or at the end of winter, where they had been communicative, bright, or active prior? Do you know of any children, adolescents or adult who were healthy before, but became subtly to seriously ill as Winter commenced, deepened and progressed -- and now with warming weather (less furnace operation), they may be miraculously improving -- or someone who did not make it though the Winter, yet should have! -- or who died for no solidly diagnosed reasons! -- -- Too often Carbon Monoxide victims are mis-diagnosed with leukemia, diabetes, malnutrition, vitamin B12 deficiency, depression, endocrine or genetic disorders, etc, etc, etc. even Munchausen by Proxy (it fits easily); then are expensively (futilely, even dangerously) treated into bankruptcy for those, when all that was really needed was a simple $40.00test, then prescribed the simple (and cheap) treatment of clean air, clean food and genuine love! -- -- And worse, the victims are returned to the same uncorrected toxic environment to repeat the illness cycle, establish more damage, even die! ► "Carbon monoxide is the leading cause of fatal poisoning in the industrialized world, as well as being endemic in many parts of the developing world," says Dr. Joseph Fisher, an anesthesiologist at Toronto General Hospital, University Health Network. "In North America, it results in as many as 70,000 emergency room visits a year and in thousands of deaths. Up to 30 per cent of survivors of severe poisoning are left with disabling psychological and neurological symptoms, which sometimes last for years."
► 65% of HUD certified homes, spc. manufactured homes & trailers in rural Utah are occupied by Spanish families. The next are African Americans, specifically the Hurricane Katrina victims, then Native Americans, Elderly, Widowed, Veterans, Handicapped, Young and Single Mother Families,. Missionaries, rural Clergy, County, State, and Federal Field Agents, Rangers and Officers, and our selfless Military! ► -- Yet no-one in HUD, Federal or State Bureaucracy, Medicine or Mainstream Media, has cared enough to warn these families that some of their winter illnesses and deaths are a result of this egregious HUD created, State permitted deadly Furnace / Water Heater exhaust / Fresh Air Adder design! ► As trusting residents, you deserve to know truth & know your illness’ real cause! – so you can preserve yourselves & your families! -- Go to: GassingUtah.us or GassingAmerica.us -- then: Daniel in the Lions Den .us -- aka Deadly Fumes .us -- see: What you must do! ► Those Who Know (since February or early March 2008): This list includes those of Authority, Profession & Media apprised of this life-threatening situation in Manti early on! The question is, what have they done so far, and what will they do? Have they alerted you or the public of the problem, not just in Manti, but everywhere in the State of Utah and the USA? You need to ask them! -- This is about your safety, and their responsibility for it! List is in general order of apprisal / notice. Each know the problem! The Officials included are supposed to protect you!
Have you heard anything from any of the Gov. Officials, Inspection, Health Dept., Medicine, or Media in this list?!!! The Summer will pass and HUD designed housing, with as little as 3 feet allowed from heating exhausts to interior air intakes, will again become harmful or mortally toxic for the occupants! -- And NO Official has warned you or corrected their incompetently or maliciously designed and allowed life-threatening interior air contamination problem! Ask them why not!!! GassingUtah.us / DeadlyFumes.us / DanielInTheLionsDen.us Questions: Thomas Rodgers
801-298-9095 8/123/08
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