Nation Earth Organization
This came as a shock to parents Dan and Carolee Thaxton, whose now 18 month-old child Matthew was removed from their care by the State Department of Child and Family Services (DCFS) seven months prior on grounds of "dietary abuse." The Thaxton¹s have been fighting to get their son back ever since, but to no avail. Now Matthew will be going up for potential adoption. By definition, a Vegan diet contains no meat or dairy products. But according to the DCFS recently filed Findings of Facts, "Matthew¹s current medical condition is the direct result of malnutrition caused by the parent's dietary practices."[1] The State of Utah and the DCFS have become particularly concerned with Vitamin B12 in a vegan diet. The Columbia Encyclopedia defines Vitamin B12 / Cyanocobalamin as "a group of organic structures that are required in the diet of humans and animals for normal growth, maintenance of life, and reproduction."[2] The U.S. meat industry has always proudly stated that Vitamin B12 can only come from animals.[3] But the truth is Vitamin B12 [4] is produced by microorganisms indigenous to plants, soil and water, and the only reason animal products, which humans consume, even contain B12 is because those animals ingest plants or drink water that carry the microorganisms producing the vitamin. Therefore, animals are a reservoir hence a vehicle of B12, but not the primary source, and this criminally misunderstood matter of vitamin B12 is the focus of the entire case DCFS has brought against the Thaxton family.
By January of 2003, however, Matthew developed some health problems that baffled his doctors. First he was diagnosed with "pallor and low blood counts,"[9] then Leukemia, then a rare "Intrinsic Disease,"[10] then he was given a hefty dose of Insulin because one doctor thought he might be Diabetic. Between January and June 2003, Matthew underwent extensive blood tests, two blood transfusions, a bone marrow biopsy, a B12 shot in the leg (after Carolee expressed consern with a doctor's order to inject the shot directly into Matthew's liver), and a Barium test, among other examinations and assessments. It wasn't until the doctors learned Matthew was "Vegan" that they erroneously presumed his condition was due to "malnutrition." In lieu of the previous incident with Dan Jr., (even though there was no basis of malnutrition in his death) Child Services were quickly brought in, a police investigation commenced, and the State took custody of Matthew a few days thereafter. Two months later, on August 13, 2003, the Thaxton family received proposed terms of a dispositional "Dependency" order (which, if agreed, might reunite them with their son). This order stated the parent's mental stability was in question (for being vegans) and required that, "The parents will each obtain a psychological evaluation." Furthermore, it stated, "The parents will commit to perpetually give their children a multivitamin which contains B12 and other essential nutrients which would not be provided by a vegan diet." The disposition concluded with: "In the event that the parents fail to properly supplement their children's diets as memorialized in the final stipulated agreement, this will constitute grounds for removal of all the children as a significant risk to their health."[11]
There was no medical evidence from the testing done on Matthew, or his
mother Carolee, proving that a Vegan diet caused a low-normal B12
deficiency, particularly in a breast-fed baby. In addition, no one
has come forward with any medical literature, data or research to prove
that a mother on a vegan diet can cause any malnutrition in a baby that
is breast-fed.
Therefore, should the State (in this instance, comprised of doctors, social workers, police officers and a judge -- none of whom are certified nutritionists, or vegetarians) be able to remove any child from any home they deem unfit? According to Utah's flagship law of the DCFS, the answer is yes, and the following statute applies: “There is created the Division of Child and Family Services … The division is the child, youth, and family services authority of the state and has all functions, powers, duties, rights, and responsibilities [sic] created in accordance with this chapter, except those assumed by the board and the department.” Please copy and forward this press release and or this link to others so we can get the story out. For all of the vegetarians and vegans in America, this case (and others like it across the country), is not only nconstitutional, but an outrage. Has veganism become the new racism, or just another form of discrimination, like most prejudices are, based on ignorance? [1] DCFS Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, and Order
paragraph 38.
My thanks to my film and television documentary producer friend,
Shaun Monson, in Los Angeles, for partnering with us and adding his skills,
contacts and influence to this worthy battle for this innocent child and
his family -- and as a consequence, for all children's, mothers' and families'
rights - TRodgers
Two more press releases and petition: #2 Accounability Utah by D. Newby #3 National Press Release on PRWire By S Allen #4 Then Return to Family Vs State |