This little Aluminum tag
is HUD's
License to Kill!*
and FEMA's "License to kill" code violations present Carbon
Monoxide poisonings in all* Manufactured
and Mobile
Heated units)!
CPSC, HHS and Medicine allow for millions of Carbon Monoxide
poisoning injuries and deaths through Industry
and DC
response guidelines and diagnostics protocols!
Sandy victims or survivors are at highest "CO" poisoning risk
or families living (or working) in Manufactured or Mobile Homes go to my condensed, easier to read site: GassingAmerica.com. If you have already been there and are ready for hard detail, continue
reading this page! |
American individuals or families, see these two Email
Native Americans, NCAI: US GAO Concurs Poisoning
is Real! MSWord doc
Friends, Associates, Family,
Native Relatives Report: "Risk"
Conversation MSWord doc
Then return here and continue reading this
page! |
Residents or Occupants of All Manufactured or Mobile
Manufactured and Mobile Home (or portable housing or office units) sold
after 15 June 1976 violate ICC, IRC, ASHRAE, heating and ventilation
code (specifically in combustion provided Gas, Propane, Oil, Automated
Coal or Wood fueled heating). And by extension all units violate OSHA,
NIOSH and EPA interior air
quality requirements and standards for safe and healthy interior
breathing air! Read on and learn!
an easy "5¢"
Instantly Life-Saving
do-it-yourself-fix, temporary solution suggestion on our "Temporary Solutions"
page! |
All Americans:
The core failure in this National poisoning problem
-- affecting far more of us than just the specific groups or individual
victims indicated above -- is in the Washington DC created First
Responders guidelines and Medicinal Diagnostic protocols. These flawed guidelines and protocols
allow this to happen!!!
-- So you or any
potential poisoned victim must demand immediate Carbon Monoxide
testing of your blood,
specifically, the
"Carboxyhemoglobin", blood saturation levels evaluation for
Carbon Monoxide, which
is easily and painlessly done with a "Rad-57" finger-clip
sensor (all Fire fighting teams are supposed to carry them) or equivalent
saturation testing method!
-- Then if a "positive" reading is demonstrated, immediate
Oxygen (by
mask) treatment
or if serious, Hyperbaric treatment and
Hospitalization wherever possible!
Your life and health depends on it!
Saturation percentages of CO
blood levels
which are
critical -- and actions to be taken are:
■ Less than 3% is OK or
"normal" levels, no treatment needed beyond breathing fresh air.
■ Over 3% to 15% indicates exposure
and should be treated with 100%
oxygen by mask (or nasal tubes).
Over 15% they should be hospitalized and given Hyperbaric
If above 20% this becomes mandatory to prevent permanent damage or
Firemen (and
medics) should already know this, as they always are
supposed to
test themselves in working a fire!
risks in Manufactured
/ Mobile homes (in
parks or even setting on private property):
■ For Carbon Monoxide: Ref here (http://LicenseToKill.us
All manufactured or mobile
homes are in violation for CO,
if newer than 1976 and heated with gas, propane, oil wood or coal.
heated units should be OK for CO).
See easy "5¢" instantly lifesaving self-fix here!
■ For Formaldehyde (VOCs
and Mold):
Ref here (http://LicenseToKill.us)
and http://ToxicTrailers.com
All manufactured and mobile
homes are generally in violation because of HUD's incompetent
management and
enforcement -- like the FEMA units of Hurricane Katrina experienced!
■ Carbon Monoxide Alarms: One more, very
point of understanding: Most commercially sold Alarms are not sensitive enough and do not always sound in time to save a fetus,
infant, child or you!
call me, Thomas L Rodgers, 801-298-9095
(anytime) |
Now read on - at least to the bottom of the next yellow
panel which
includes -- finally, after my 4 trips (in 4 yrs) to Washington,
personally informing every Senator (100) and key Representatives of the
House (70+), the White House and all responsible Agencies -- the CDC (HHS, HUD) admission of
violation and the U.S.
Accountability Office's investigation and report. I
further explain and expand upon both the CDC's "admission" and the
profoundly gratifying (personally certifying and exonerating) GAO
report here!
The consequences of living (or working) in Manufactured and
Mobile home units, constructed after June 15. 1976 until today,
for 17 to 34 million humble Americans, Native Americans, rural
Americans (and many more who are undocumented, so are kept
FEMA's Hurricane Katrina and now Hurricane Sandy victims, and all other
Monoxide (Formaldehyde, VOCs) victims at risk (and our indictment of
HUD [w/FEMA] and their
NFPA, HHS, Medical collaborators) is exposed and discussed
But please, after me having held the needlessly
injured or dead in my arms (or laid out on "the cold stainless steel
table"), be
warned and patiently suffer through my discontent and hard indictment
of those responsible for these poisoning cases, and of those who could
have prevented it! and
now for those same players who could prevent or properly identify and
properly treat your poisonings right now and tomorrow, but for the
exposure, disclosure and admission of the 33 years worth of millions of
injuries and deaths and their liability in it, they won't!
So it is up to you to know the problem, then
personally act and facilitate the remedy for yourself and those others
you love or for whom you care!
For any questions you have, please call me any
hour: 801-298-9095 Thomas L Rodgers
(Don't worry, I am not selling anything!)
. . . Shielded
by it
since 1976,
HUD (&
has ordered all
Contractors to built and distribute some 12+ million Manufactured and Mobile Homes and Portable Business Units, ALL in violation
of health safety construction and interior breathing air quality code! -- subtly placing all occupants only three feet from
subtle poisoning, illnesses, even death! -- as
they (HUD & FEMA) have
been, and still are . . .
! ! !
-- specifically, our
more humble urban and
rural families and
individuals, as
well as our own African and Native Americans !
On the roof, where no-one
ever thinks to look, through HUD's mandate, the toxic fumes
from the
Furnace Chimney (and in this floor plans, the adjacent water heater,
also) easily drift to and into the "Breathing Air Intake" only 3 feet away (at left)!
the same time that HUD (& FEMA)
regulated Manufactured and Mobile
Home Producers and Distribution Agents
are providing
their "convenient",
low-cost, transportable, Federally Protected*,
(here disclosed as life-endangering!) Manufactured and Mobile
Home housing units --
these Federally
controlled (low cost, easily obtained and
transportable) structures
"perfectly" serve -- by default or intent -- as the Statutorily Invisible* housing (and warehousing), ie. "Federal Sanctuaries"* for ~ 6 to 10
million undocumented illegal immigrant
(who are solicited [seduced], transported, then housed, used and abused by our own U.S. Businessmen in
collusion with the Cartels
-- who also move their own illicit contraband (which is force-carried)
"ponied" or "muled" into America and distributed with
them! --
while 26
Million legal, trusting,
Americans, including
our own legal, Hurricane Katrina HUD/FEMA
placement victims, and 2 Million legal, trusting Native
Americans -- all
living with the
faith and belief that they are "safe" behind this little
tag (with
its Federal
Immunity* from State and local Government
inspection and scrutiny) -- are, in fact, living
at risk of subtle-to-severe Carbon
Monoxide (CO) as
well as Formaldehyde
(H2CO) and the other
combustion produced VOCs, etc. poisoning
within these HUD
(& FEMA) regulated Manufactured and Mobile
homes! -- that is, every Manufactured and
Mobile home made since 1976, some even earlier.
-- Yet no-one
HHS, (or for Native Americans: BIA, IHS) nor any in the AMA dominated Medical
Profession has openly or honestly done the "due diligence",
tested for, identified, disclosed
or told the victims
of their inhaled poisonings or risks! as
with our own similarly Bureaucracy
and Medically betrayed
Hurricane Katrina victims! --
Nor have these same so-called Regulatory Agencies, which were
implemented "for
the social good", nor have the so-called "Health" Professionals
of HHS, IHS or Medicine's controlling AMA, including IHS,
Medicine or CPS -- especially in the case of the more vulnerable
infants and
toddlers -- taken any steps to
properly diagnose, properly treat, provide warning, order
corrections or
repairs, or
initiate redresses for the injuries, debilities, disabilities and
deaths which this 33 years of HUD's ordered dangerous combustion
exhaust and breathing air venting design has caused among
their millions of
-- especially fetuses (in-utero), infants, children, and the
house-bound infirmed and elderly!
By HUD deviating
from long established
safety codes and common wisdom, and ordering
their egregious placement of
their breathing-air,
aka "Dilution" or "Blend" air intake (the single capped pipe at
left in photo) at only three
feet from the toxic
furnace (and water heating) exhausts (the double capped pipes at
the right).
. . ALL OCCUPANTS (legal or
illegal) have been and still are effectively placed Only Three Feet
from Poisoning exhaust fumes
illnesses, Injuries, Disabilities and Death
living (visiting or working) inside HUD's (transportable or permanent)
Hell" -- specifically in all Combustion
Heated Manufactured and Mobile
homes, which have been produced in the last three decades since
June 15, 1976
when HUD took over all
regulatory power over the entire Manufactured and Mobile Housing
production Industry! -- and
the Medicine controlling AMA, HHS (and IHS) in the same
period -- without common biological sense or reason -- dropped Carbon
Monoxide (as well as Formaldehyde
and other toxic combustion
and construction VOCs)
testing from medicine's "Best
Practices" or Standard Diagnostic Protocols -- except for the obvious
Industrial site poisoning situations! -- Why is there not the same
Medicine's or "First Responder's" diligence in diagnoses for these
thousands of "at home" domestic
poisonings too???
-- Misdiagnoses in these cases perpetuates the
poisoning's malaise and repeating erroneous treatments, so is far more
profitable for Medicine (Bureaucracy and the Courts) than a true diagnoses, initiating a
one-time correction with its perpetual prevention!
Why terms: License
to Kill*, Federally
Statutorily Invisible*, Federal "Sanctuaries"*, Federal Immunity*:
1. Effected with State and Municipality exclusion -- and
now with its new population management "Godchild", FEMA -- HUD holds the
exclusive Federal Housing control, hence its "License to Hide"
and through its multi-committee, multi-reviewed,
multi-deliberated, multi-decade violation of health safety code,
HUD holds its exclusive Federal Housing "License to Poison", hence its
"License to Kill"!
2. Since June 15, 1976 ALL
Manufactured and Mobile homes produced in the U.S. are IN-FACT Federal
Property under HUD (click on
photo of Aluminum tag above or here to
enlarge and read);
-- so that NO
State, County, City or Municipality (or Tribal
Counsel) has any regulatory
(not even any consensual) authority
jurisdiction with-in
(the interior), there-on
(the exterior), beneath (anchoring, footings, basements or
foundations), or above (roofing, venting, air space or air quality
3. The conception of all this Federal control and
interference as well as
its life-injuring and
management and malfeasance, was concocted
under Kissinger in 1974, sold to Congress, then enacted, made
"law" and
enforced June 15 1976,
-- and by default
or intent -- still
providing the convenient,
fully Federally protected, controlled, easily procured and easily
positioned, Municipally "hidden", Federal "Sanctuaries"
"on wheels" -- with many millions of these units easily serving the
human and drug
trafficking business-men's housing and warehousing needs -- while HUD continues its exclusive provisioning, regulation and control, including this deliberate risk of asphyxiation in its
health-safety violation against the occupants (especially infants) to
. . . Read on and learn!
Susan Donaldson James
"Family Says Carbon Monoxide Poisoned Baby",
■ Davis County Clipper,
Melinda Williams w/ my associate Dr Jay
Bishop "Remedy Could Block CO Risk" 2/5/09
■ Deseret News, SLC Ut.
Elaine Jarvik "In The Air - Carbon Monoxide Crusade: Duo's
War Against HUD", 3/7/09
■ Power Hour,
Tom Rodgers interview on Nurse
Joyce Riley's Nat'l
syndicated radio,
2 Dec 08, 8 & 9 am CST
> Alex Jones
Info Wars,
at half way point (beginning of 3rd hour ) Fri 19 Dec 08 (let load then start
at middle)
- FM 103.5,
Waveland Mississippi,
Web 10
May 09, 11 am CST, Tom
Rodgers, by Herb "Sarge" Phelps, on "Sunday
Morning Coffee with Sarge"
> EPA, FEMA: 4 Mar 09 in New Orleans / Then 28 July 09 in DC
to HUD's MHCC, see 1 Sept 09 Committee Proposal
Russell Means Freedom: 9/24/09 "Breathing Poison" Carbon Monoxide in (Native
America's) HUD Homes
El Observador De Utah, SLC Ut. Reinaldo Escobar's "Gases Mortiferos Dentro De La Casa" 5/18/10
{in English}
> Republic
Magazine 6/3/10 Webinar,
last 1/3, Tom Rodgers on with American Free
Press' Michael Collins Piper!
■ Republic
Magazine 7/22/10 Webinar, full 2 hrs, interview of Tom Rodgers w/ Dr Jay Bishop, by
Earle Belle
Video: Native American Summit 2010 -
Gov Gary Herbert / Lt Gov Greg Bell, 9/1-2/10 w/ my presentation to
Utah / Great Basin Tribal Leaderships / Federal /
Utah State Officials, Ref: Native
American Summit 2010 program (pdf). Encourage similar efforts
in your state!
> KCPW's Immigration Roundtable Part 1 on 17 Sep 10, Audio; Hear me at time: 1:16:30.
> Interview on AbuseFreedomLive 19Sep10. My presentation
begins at 73 min (to 179).
> Interview on AbuseFreedomLive 26Sep10. My presentation
begins at 12 min (to 63+)
Yourself and Your Family -- Right Now!
-- see
a no-cost,
temporary solution!
-- or a more permanent fix as a suggestion from me Delusion
Air Intake Suggested Fix (from) Tom Rodgers .jpg
■ Video: NCAI--2011--
Portland -- Here is video of my (Thomas L Rodgers)
presentation to the National Congress of American
Indians (NCAI) in their 68th Annual Conference
held Oct 30 to Nov 4 2011 in Portland Oregon, where I introduce and
speak on the poisoning of Native American individuals and families in
their Manufactured and Mobile homes (as regulated for 33 years by HUD /
FEMA). Wonderful Irene Cuch of Utah's Ft. Duchesne Northern Ute
Community (with support of wise and caring President Jefferson Keel of
NCAI), introduces me, where I am honored to be able to speak of this
poisoning problem which I have labored to disclose for now 4 years that
affects thousands of my Native American friends and relatives using the
example of a Manufactured Housing Unit in Fort Duchesne Utah. My own
Mother and Father were nearly killed by the Mobile Home in which they
lived, in the Zuni community of Arizona. I honor them here and
also honor my
dearest friend and fellow warrior and "brother" also fighting for the
safety and good of his and my people,
Irene's very own honorable nephew, Forrest S. Cuch (< his letter to Utah Gov is
linked here; see him on Google, FaceBook and at RAINUtah.org),
Forrest paid a dear price
(just like me -- and with me) in supporting me in his letter (see Forrest's letter again as I noted it and presented
it - with its history attached, in person to the
entire US Senate, key Committees and Representatives in Congress,
the White House (while with NCAI) and all affected Agencies in a packet
which included the Deseret News story and Documents listed as "Fliers"
linked under red bar below) in this exposure of deadly
malfeasance created by HUD, the Federal Bureaucracy, their contractors
and covered up by agenda and profit manipulated Medicine, HHS and
IHS. Forrest is worthy (as is Irene - and NCAI President Keel) of
all great Honor in this vital labor (of mine) to
save the lives of his relatives and mine! Please share and tell
all your relatives and friends! By so doing, you may also be honored as
the caring relative or friend who saves them and their families from
injury or even death! [Thomas L Rodgers, 12 Nov 2011,
edited 19 Jun 2012]
■ To understand
this Manufactured
/ Mobile Home Poisoning Problem -- carefully watch &
listen to two videos: Video 2 (3 min. in
FLV) , Video 1 (7 min. in
and all others linked in this website -- and please call me, Thomas L
Rodgers, at phone no. 801-298-9095. I will caringly explain more!
other important related Videos on my YouTube Channel -- http://YouTube.com/GassingAmerica
[Added 19 June 2012 ]
code Heating Installation Instructions (deadly violation HUD mandated)
See the blatant violation of code mandated
by HUD upon the manufacturers in this Heating installation manual
■ CDC, HHS, HUD admission of violations in "Safety and Health in
Manufactured Structures" 2011
-- initiated
through my disclosure to Congress, CDC, HHS, HUD, in 6 trips total (4 DC, 1 New Orleans, 1 Tulsa) in the
last 5 years.
-- Recently, the
and HHS in their newest (completed end 2011, available early 2012), "Safety and Health in Manufactured Structures" brochure,
finally admit to
their life-injuring violation (this preceding link is to 7 key
pages). The complete 108 page brochure is available at: CDC.gov/healthyhomes/ > publications > Safety and Health in Manufactured Structures.pdf)!
-- But they are still doing nothing for their
"17½" million (more correctly some 34 million) current victims
while making
it look as if "they" (themselves) discovered and identified this "code
deviance" (page 77, 2nd paragraph), which I (Thomas L Rodgers), in
laid open in clear testimony to them, 4 years
ago, on 30 July 2009 (see MHCC board member, Kevin Jewell's email to NFPA (agent for HUD)
Robert Solomon 1 Sept 2009 with our Venting Correction
Proposal based upon my testimony, 30 July 2009,
(see bottom page 9, top page 10)
-- as they (HUD, [NFPA, CFED] HHS,
IHS) have
covered up this 1974 (Kissinger era) contrived,
carefully deliberated, made law 15 June 1976, "Federally" enforced human
insult through their deliberate
code violation! Then profited and protected their colluding
contractors, brokers and money interests, thereby inflicting upon the
generally poorer-population,
a malaise
and mortality intent agenda via their respiratory toxins introduced at
the price of millions of Manufactured and Mobile housing occupant
especially their developing fetuses, infants,
the vulnerable weak, handicapped or disadvantaged, veterans and
elderly, and
that includes the additional near 10 million un-documented human
victims and their children, now for over 33 years!
-- That coincidentally included my own parents who
through HUD's
insane design, were subtly asphyxiated and nearly killed in their
Manufactured (Mobile) home in Zuni Arizona -- while their poisoning and
its source was never diagnosed (deliberately misdiagnosed via HHS / IHS
HUD/NFPA] protocols), and never identified or made known to them,
-- instead the AMA, HHS, IHS controlled Medicine
"misdiagnosed", convinced, so treated and billed my parents
(their sponsors and us) as if they had suffered simultaneous heart
failures! -- only
to return them to the same poisonous environment of their Manufactured
(Mobile) Home which perpetuated
their so-called "heart disease" during two winters (until the cold
weather changed)!
-- Think about it: two
individuals suffering the same heart attacks in the same hour???
My parents' costly (profiting medicine nearly 100 thousand dollars)
misdiagnosed case is not unique,
-- The thousands injured or killed inside those
HUD's FEMA trailers after Katrina were likewise betrayed by HHS and
manipulated Medicine's cover-up through "Best Practices" effected
misdiagnoses or (pressured) silence (see ToxicTrailers.com).
Now GSA, HUD, FEMA and their colluding (original no-bid) Contractors
are unloading those offensive "Katrina" units upon the Native Americans
and the unwitting public.
HUD, HHS, IHS, Congress, and their mercenary
cronies with them, in this issue, are an insult to honorable
professionalism, to our
Nation, to the Native Nations and to the humble voiceless multitude of
Americans (and visitors) within, who they claim to protect and serve!
Their lying
and cover-up (as they did to our Katrina victims) needs to stop! They
need to stop stealing our health, happiness, our very lives and our
resources, and do what they pretend, ie. "claim" and are well-paid
to do! -- Protect you and
your families!
Contact all of them - HUD, MHCC, NFPA, CFED,
IHS, CDC, Congress, your own State Government and all
responsible agencies, including your local MHOAA and all Media, to demand publicity, correction and
--- Remember; it is election time
again! -- So lets see if
these Bureaucrats, including Pres. Obama's White House (I met with
personally 3 and 2 yrs ago), really
do care about you and your family over the Cooperate demagogy with
their deceptions in profiteering and payoffs at your expense, happiness
and health! [Thomas
L Rodgers, 19 Jun 2012 -- edited 21 June, 4 & 5 Aug, 18 Oct 2012]
of 4 Aug 2012 -- since I have relentlessly persisted in my
sacrifice and efforts to expose and demand redress by pressing (in
personal face-to-face contact, in DC, 4 times since 30 July 2009) the
entire Senate, Congress, the President and all these involved Federal
Agencies and NGOs to get correction
for the millions of families and individuals living in these HUD
regulated units, it appears my voice has not gone unheard. Notice the
focused discussion of venting and air quality in the latest (April
2012) conference call meeting of HUD and NFPA's MHCC conference minutes
-- including the reference to HUD's violation of ASHRAE's 62.2 venting
and IRC, IECC breathing air quality codes. See Minutes of 16
April 2012, MHCC conference call
-- Notice statement on page 4 that "This [my disclosure and correction ] proposal was made to MHCC in
2009, since then over 100,000
homes [still
] were built
without 62.2
-- That 100,000 additional Manufactured Homes built since
2009 translates into some 1/2 million more (HUD-tag) trusting owners or
occupants with their infants, children, loved-ones, friends and visitors, all being subjected, through the malfeasant acts of HUD, to [after 4 years fully informed; hence]deliberate
perpetual subtle to serious toxic fumes poisoning injuries, illnesses,
brain / nerve
damage and deaths! -- facilitated with NFPA, HHS and IHS protocol
complicity and
the consequent total (first responder firemen, paramedics, gas company
examiners, Hazmat, etc), medical diagnostic suppression and silence!
Why is this subtle asphyxiation insult burden apparently
focused at America's more unpretentious and humble individuals and
families? -- many who are
already injured, struggling with oppressive economics, health, age,
even legitimacy, so are easily abused, then left unheard or ignored without disclosure, recourse, remedy or restitution? tlr 8/8-22/2012
■ U.S.
Government Accountability Office (GAO) "Manufactured Housing Standards" Report, 24 Oct 2012
-- Also initiated by my testimonies and petitions to Senate,
Congress, White-House and Agencies in my 4 trips to DC alone, in the
last 5 years.
Morning of 24 Oct
2012 -- The U.S.
Government Accountability
Office, GAO, called me moments ago and stated they had
finished their initial investigation and report (more is to
come). I am exonerated and extremely grateful!
Please open GAO.gov, scroll down to 24 Oct 2012 report called Manufactured
Housing Standards, it will open to a brief overview. Then click
the PDF link (at top) to Full 34 pg
Note references to (my) testimony of the "Utah"
(before MHCC July 2009) on page 2, 9 & 10 with my evidence and
disclosures to MHCC, the Senate. Executive, Judiciary, Congress and
effected Agencies which initiated this investigation and report.
Notice on page 10 the (since the late 70's, the
deliberate) failure
in NFPA (and CPSC) "First Responders" guidelines and in HHS
(AMA, IHS) directed Medicine in all States to affirmatively (not) immediately blood-test-for,
(nor) immediately
clinically diagnose, treat, report and maintain a registry of Carbon
Monoxide (as well as Formaldehyde or the other combustion and gluing
VOCs) poisoning events in residential and Manufactured or Mobile Home
cases -- so HUD claims there is none -- except my case(s) in Utah.
And I guess we (Utah) are the only State to have
snow deep enough to have thermal
or barometric scooping and channeling or covering and cavitating both exhaust
and breathing (dilution) air intake
vents ultimately together
into one single snow cavity
(not discussed or factored into this report
or in ASHRAE's good, but narrow-input test since they did not assume
some professional humility to consult with me, the original source, or review thorough
enough or carefully
enough, all my evidence, factors, disclosures and data to duplicate (or
refute) all possibilities),
But even in their basic 3 foot test separation (the HUD mandated
standard) ASHRAE obtained 50 ppm CO, and that exceeds OSHA's human
exposure limits in a single 8 hour workplace environment as opposed to
the 24 hr everyday exposure an infant (who begin injury at 20 ppm),
toddler, handicapped or elderly risks in their HUD regulated
Manufactured home. We (in Utah and all frigid-weather States) also
deal with
our dead quiet cold
where carbon-dense exhaust toxins, even if exiting 3 feet or more above
current jack heights (~8-18 inches, per HUD), quickly loses its
thermal lift and drops back and
accumulates at the roof, or snow surface and breathing (dilution) air
intake levels
and perimeters, to be easily power-drafted in at 30 to 90 cu ft/min.
And this per HUD records, only has occurred (my case) in one
home, in one city,
and only in Utah?-- and only once in 33 yrs? -- So I, GAO, ASHRAE
(and OSHA by extension) are
insane and HUD (w/FEMA) is not???
-- Tell that HUD contrived no-injury-reported BS to
the Katina FEMA Trailer and
HUD Park Model Unit placed victims (for who I also testified in New
Orleans) with their CO, H2CO, VOC violate glues and construction
materials and combustion exhaust (including cooking), (and sewer) gases
asphyxiated dead or barely surviving brain or systemic damaged family
members! Not one in the Gulf was told of the presence of those
toxins in their blood or the blood of their dead, -- because they were not serum tested for them
(or reported) under their Federal
managed Katina-aftermath Medicine.
-- That worked perfect to prevent the billions in
liable suits that should have been claimed from HUD and FEMA's
and consequent malfeasance! -- and isn't this exactly what this
report exposes!
-- and this is the same Agency expected to "safely" (thats what
their little aluminum tag says) house the "17 million" permanent
residents in
Manufactured and Mobile homes, or you through a calamity like Katrina
They cry short funded? I don't buy it! In 4
trips to DC, I've been in HUD's
overstaffed extravagant fortress in DC, and I spent 4 hours waiting,
twice -- no-one showed, though hundreds of well-dressed employees
passed by me, and nothing happened! -- remember, twice I sat waiting 4
hours --
and nothing! The same with HHS! Its the same sad useless parasite infected DC BS! -- causing harm
and deaths of babies and injuring innocent
families! while accepting nice commissions, advancements, accolades and
retirements for it!)
Print this excellent initial GAO report with its
(though limited but correct) ASHRAE test findings in it, reference my
number and this http://LicenseToKill.us website on it and share with
those who
will truly advocate for our Manufactured and Mobile Home families and
their well being! I will gladly fill in where ASHRAE for GAO did
My thanks to supportive Congressman Moran, Olver, ASHRAE
and especially to the dedicated and diligent GAO team! tlr 10/24/2012
Associated actions, including the original
case of the Carbon Monoxide
injured Conrad Family (living between Ute and Paiute
Communities) vs. the
State of Utah, through which I identified and exposed this National issue,
discussed and linked below: |
Have you or anyone you know
been unusually ill this Winter?
HUD, Federal & your
State Bureaucracy may be the cause!
The Feds through
HUD, the States, their Medical contractors,
including CPS, their AGs and their Courts, have allowed conditions for
your and your children's harm,
then profited from your consequent harm, illnesses, even deaths!
pipe at far left, installed only
3 feet from the furnace
flue and
precisely in
its path of toxic fumes
is a Mfd. home's Breathing-Air Intake -- as ordered by HUD!
-- So you have been placed in harms
way by the very
Bureaucracy whose oaths and claims are to guarantee your safety and to
protect you and your children from the very harm which they have
Then sadly, in many cases, that same
Bureaucracy -- which should have protected you and your family! -- instead turns upon you!
blames you, threatens, charges or indicts you for the harm, illnesses,
deaths, which their own oversight, incompetence, malfeasance or malice
brought upon you and your
-- just as it has done with this baby Daniel's
parents in Manti,
Please check the
following questions, see baby Daniel's experience, learn the facts,
then demand
to protect your own family.
you live in a Combustion Heated HUD (or FEMA) "Certified
as Safe" Manufactured or
Mobile (Trailer type) Home?
For the last 3 decades, HUD has ordered all Manufactured and Mobile Home
producers to construct their low cost housing units with an only
3 foot
separation distance (as seen in
this photo>) between the (powered) Breathing Air Intake
(left) and the Furnace
(right), Water Heater (right
above) and sewer vent Exhausts. (Note: top photo, vapors flowing right to left!)
Illnesses, Injuries and Deaths are
Experienced as a Consequence:
you or anyone you know have one or more of the following symptoms?
Unexplained (chronic) fatigue,
bouts of
nausea, headaches, appearance of intoxication (without
drinking), loss of memory, agitation, flu-like (but without fever)
symptoms, rosacea (a red skin
blush), purple, pale or jaundice, general weakness,
coughing spells (sometimes with blood) labored breathing, struggle for
air, light headedness, lethargy, fainting spells, listlessness,
inability to
sleep soundly, loss
of appetite, failure to
conceive, reduced fertility, reduced virility, miscarriage, birth defects, numerological and physiological fetal damage in pregnancy,
unexplainable weight loss or gain, or unusual heart
angina, arrhythmia, myocarditis, infarction, etc (all are
expressions of CO induced hypoxia).
In Infants, any one of the
symptoms above (note the facial rosacea,
purple feet and hands of infant Daniel in photo), and / or inconsolable crying
(indicating headaches), inability to hold food down
(nausea), inability to
suckle (weakness), failure
to thrive, and / or
(misdiagnosed) symptoms of malnutrition, leukemia, diabetes,
autoimmune, digestive, liver, heart, lung, neurological, endocrine or
genetic disorders, etc. to "SIDS" and
"crib death'' -- and since long term exposure can cause critical
developing tissue (O2 deprivation) failures, membrane (esp. cerebral)
and vascular
ruptures and associated
hemorrhaging (when subdermal: spontaneous bruising), some infant
damages or deaths may be wrongly charged off as beatings, assault or
"shaken baby syndrome".
you find any elderly or otherwise infirmed unusually listless, slowed,
or unresponsive, where they had been
bright, or
active prior?
you know of any children, adolescents or adult who were healthy before,
but curiously became subtly to seriously ill as
Winter commenced, deepened and progressed
-- then with warming weather (less furnace operation), they may have
"miraculously" improved! -- or
someone who did not make it though the
Winter, yet should have! -- or who died for no solidly
diagnosed reason. --
-- Too often Carbon
Monoxide victims are mis-diagnosed
with heart or lung
disease, leukemia,
diabetes, malnutrition, vitamin
B12 deficiency, depression, endocrine
or genetic disorders, etc, etc,
even Munchausen by Proxy (it
fits easily); then are
expensively (futilely, even dangerously) treated into bankruptcy for
those, when all that was
really needed was a simple $40.00
(Carboxyhemoglobin) test, and prescribed the simple (and
cheap) treatment of clean air,
clean food and genuine
-- none for which a Doctor, Hospital, the State, its Bureaucracy or
their Lawyers can extravagantly charge and honestly profit!
-- And worse, being returned to the same toxic
environment to repeat
the illness cycles, establish more
damage, even to die! -- tlr
You deserve to know truth
and find real cause! --
so you can preserve yourself and your family!
You may find the cause of
your family's Winter illnesses in
this baby and his family's experience!
(finish reading below, then go to: Daniel
in the Lions Den)
65% of HUD certified homes
(spc. manufactured homes and trailers) in the West are occupied by Spanish
(usually the
low payed farm and unskilled menial labor) families. The next group of
occupancy are African
Americans (specifically the New Orleans - Katrina victims)! the Native Americans! then
the Elderly, Widowed, Veterans, Handicapped, Young and Single Mother Families, Missionaries, Rural Clergy,
County, State, and Federal Field
Agents, Rangers and Officers,
and our selfless
Military! -- Yet
no-one in HUD, Federal or State Bureaucracy (Medicine and
Mainstream Media) has cared enough to warn these
families and individuals
that some of their Winter
illnesses and deaths
are a result of
this egregious HUD
created and State permitted deadly
Furnace / Water
Heater exhaust / Fresh Air Adder design! -- Why?
-- How did
HUD get
away with setting their own minimum distance regulation at only 3 ft while
all others like the American
Gas Association, National
Association of
Home Builders, all HVAC Manufacturers, and most
State and local Codes
usually demand 12 to
14 feet? The minimum I have found (tolerated
in restrictive
industrial construction) is 10 feet per ICC's
International Mechanical Code. TLR
When you entered into your HUD home, did your State
inspector alert you to your potentially lethal HUD created
possibility? If he did not, why not? Ask his bosses
why not? TLR
-- In last 10 minutes of 28 May
08 Radio interview, Utah AG Mark Shurtleff & I discuss this
case & this problem.
Audio Utah Attorney General Mark Shurtleff
interview (hr 2) by Mark
Maxon on KTKK AM 630 SLC Ut
in last
30 min of the 3 hour Utah State Legislature's Political Subdivisions Interim Committee Wed 18 Jun
08 Meeting
on Affordable Housing, I
presented this case as example of HUD Manufactured Housing's Carbon
Monoxide (& Formaldehyde) poisoning issue, as exposed herein.
See Notice, see Agenda, hear Audio (mp3). |
monoxide is
the leading
cause of fatal poisoning in the industrialized world,
as well as being
endemic in many parts of the developing world," says Dr. Joseph Fisher,
an anesthesiologist at Toronto General Hospital, University Health
Network. "In North America, it results in as many as 70,000 emergency
room visits a year and in thousands of deaths. Up to 30 per cent of
survivors of severe poisoning are left with disabling psychological and
neurological symptoms, which sometimes last for years."
HUD, Federal, State, (even Local Bureaucracies) and Medicine have
ignored or deliberately avoided identification, diagnoses, and proper
(with simple cheap oxygen and free fresh air thereafter), or to inform
and initiate corrections for the Carbon Monoxide poisoning cause; but
instead sent the innocent and uninformed victims back to their toxic
homes to be further poisoned, injured, even killed.
None of these agencies (who were created, paid for, and claim to
have our health interests as their responsibility) have moved to
rectify this asinine and deadly HUD regulation. In 11 months, none
have even dared challenge -- never testing and publishing their test
results --
to even prove us wrong -- but instead have deliberately avoided
answer and have even maliciously labored to injure, obstruct and
our findings.
In 11 months (since March 2008) HUD, the Federal and State
Bureaucracies and Medicine have done nothing
to correct, inform or protect the nearly
26 million Americans
living in these potentially poisonous homes which they regulate and license.
The Bureaucracies and profiting
(which has now allowed millions of injuries and deaths to occur) have
instead interfered with our efforts at media coverage and left the poor
and other vulnerable infants, individuals and families, injured and
still dying! -- tlr 12/30/08
This Whole Insidious Poisoning Evil! --
experienced by the most humble members of society, Would Stop! -- if the
U S Department of
Health and Human
Services, your own State's
Health Department and the American Medical Association would restore the simple, inexpensive. (non-invasive, painless
fingertip-clip applied light-spectrometer --"Pulse
Carboxi-Oximeter" Carboxyhemoglobin
--You Must Demand
"Carboxyhemoglobin" blood level evaluation of Carbon Monoxide
Test be restored immediately to all emergency diagnostic protocols! Now!
■ See: What you must do to
Protect Yourself. -- View our simple suggestions to protect
you and your family.
open, print and share:
■ Actions affecting the Native
American Communities:
-- Communications and proposed
Resolution to NCAI and
BIA during
conference in DC, Feb 28 - Mar 3, 2010 -- see Communication
and Resolution to NCAI and BIA from this page
As of 12 March 2010
-- See my (T Rodgers) testimony with
others before EPA (FEMA and HUD) Investigative Hearing in New Orleans
transcript in pdf only came today, 12 March 2010, after
asking for it one year -- my testimony is referenced on page 96, then
begins on page 114 and
finishes on 125. On a projection screen, I had set up video of
smoke and photo of
deathly ill infant -- yet my description of what was being viewed by
the committee and audience is curiously missing. But I have inserted
the photos and video that was projected that day so you can see what
the transcript has left out.)
> As of 6 May 2010
MHCC - Manufactured Housing Consensus Committee meeting, July 28-30
2009, DC (Arlington Va.)
Minutes, with my (Thomas L
Rodgers) presentation, testimony and discussion references included.
-- And my report of
following MHCC meeting Mar 28-30, 2010, Tulsa, which I just returned from Sunday.
Subsequent actions in the CO
poisoning injured Conrad Family vs the State of Utah case:
KTKK Radio Interview, "HUD is Gassing America",
Thomas Rodgers on Mark Maxon Show, hr
1 & hr
> Commentary
Susan Sorensen, Sanpete County Constitution Party Chairman on 7-15-08
Court Proceedings. --
> -- The Court Audio of that
Hearing is linked
from her commentary so you can know of what Susan speaks.
> Letter
to the new DCFS Case Worker exposing the fraudulent position
of IHC, DCFS, the Assistant AG and Court !
> Scientist
Thomas Rodgers "Manufactured
17 KNAK &
National Radio's Liberty RoundTable, &
Oct 22 w/David --
also hear Tom on Oct 20 & 21
> See published News Article & Update "Conrad Family Takes On State"
> Videos
of sweet, happy, healthy baby Daniel taken last Sat. 18 Oct, proving State wrong,
but "Clean Air" right!
> Court Audio of Oct 21- Judge is
presented with facts! so must find in our favor
with a full room of observers.
> HUD's
apathetic answer of Oct 24 after eight month of my ceaseless
labors to have them correct their lethal error.
> Nat'l syndicated radio:Tom Rodgers on Nurse Joyce Riley's Power Hour Tues 2 Dec 08, 8 & 9 am CST
> ABC News (Nat'l), Susan Donaldson James' report: "Family Says Carbon Monoxide Poisoned Baby", 4
Feb 09
> Sad note handed me as Jorge Riveros & I went to
meet with Governor's Specialists responsible for housing poor!
> Testimony
before EPA
(FEMA & HUD) Investigative Hearing in New Orleans
3/4/09, Thomas L Rodgers, & Others
> Deseret News, SLC Ut, Elaine Jarvik's "In The Air - Carbon Monoxide Crusade: Duo's War
Against HUD", 3/7/09
> We
were interviewed Wed, 10 June 09, 1-3pm CT by Barbara Jean,
Broadcasting Network
> Testified (28-)30 July 09 in DC to HUD's
MHCC, see Committee Proposal (though Kevin Jewell) of 1 Sept 09
> Monday, 12 Oct 09, 9 - 11 am Mountain Time on KTKK (AM 630 SLC Ut) to the Mills Crenshaw
-- show had Thomas L Rodgers (Utah), Jessie Fineran (Miss.), Becky Gillette (Ark.), Dr Jay Bishop
(Utah) and others as they expose the HUD (& FEMA) poisoning
malfeasance, causing injuries and
deaths to as many as 34 million in the US, which has been kept silent
to protect the Federally regulated and supplied housing -- and
of illegals, drugs and other elicit activities of
unscrupulous US Businessmen, the Cartels, Bureaucrats and
Professionals for profit.
-- We also discussed what you must do to help protect the innocent as a
of this deadly cover-up!
> Executive Order Utah State Gov purposed by Jay Bishop
for Thomas Rodgers.doc! also see Feb
& Mar 2010 Notes to NCAI and Utah's Gov Herbert with purposed
NCAI Resolution and Utah State Governor's Executive Order .
El Observador De Utah, SLC Ut. Reinaldo Escobar's "Gases Mortiferos Dentro De La Casa" 5/18/10
{in English}
In the beginning, on Oct 21
Tue. 3pm in Sanpete County Courtroom (in Manti Ut.) a (final)
hearing was held:
Utah's AAG Julie Lund (and DCFS) had originally petitioned
this family be further injured by finding the parents with CONTEMPT!
and be jailed for not consenting to treat their now robust, happy,
healthy baby Daniel for the bogus IHC diagnoses (never based
on fact) of Kabuki syndrome and the misdiagnosed and invented genetic,
endocrine and malnourishment nonsense! -- all nothing to
do with the actual cause, Carbon Monoxide poisoning -- which the State
and IHC Medicine deliberately ignored, so sent the baby and family back
into -- and that could have killed him, his siblings and his parents,
had I not intervened! - tlr
Thanks! Your
attendance, observance and witnessing at this hearing in support of
this family, truth and due process compliance, was effective and
appreciated! With our truth and your loving support, truth prevailed.
It now appears that you and I, ourselves
as caring individuals, must pass this information and its warning to
protect the lives of Millions
of other Infants, their innocent
and those other trusting Individuals who have been left oblivious to
this danger, with its injuries and deaths, created by HUD; so are being
"deliberately" poisoned in Federal, State and Medical malfeasance,
incompetence, and heartless Administrative
(and AMA/IHC)
indifference! --
tlr 22Oct08
Because HUD has controlled the Manufactured / Mobile Home
Construction industry since June
15, 1976, and chosen to
violate critical health and safety code -- and HHS and AMA Medicine
have been
complicit or covering up for them -- it is necessary for you to
■ "Love
Your Neighbor!"
To save innocent lives! --
since, after nearly three years of clear notice, HUD, its over-sight
committee, your Federal Government, HHS and the AMA, have done
nothing to correct their life-injuring error!
-- this
problem requires the intervention and actions of a loving or sincerely caring neighbor,
extended family member, kindly associate or friend -- like you!
This harmful, even deadly situation which exists for some
million of your neighbors, their infants and families with them,
usually can
only be identified and mitigated by an observant, clear headed,
caring neighbor, associate or friend! -- That is you!
That is because the occupant victims themselves,
specifically the adults in these effected
households, are not always able to clearly recognize or understand
their own or their family's injuries in their own invisible
-- And
worse, in their subtle
states of respired exhaust fumes hypoxia and Carbon Monoxide (CO) intoxication,
their reasoning
markedly impaired -- so their sense of risk, danger, or urgency is
made almost always -- even fatally -- compromised to non-existent! --
and they do not easily recognize it!
And It
is not unusual for the affected responsible adults to respond in defensive
denial of their own CO diminished mental function, coherence or
reason -- even denying
any obvious
declines in
their own clearly visible physical
health. This denial is sadly reinforced by Medicine's
currently chosen malfeasance in its deliberately set
obstructions to do toxic exhaust and CO poisoning
(as they have done with other VOCs, specifically Formaldehyde with
the Katrina Victims),
all within their
Profession's dictums deliberated
to profiteering
with more lucrative diagnosis and treatments -- which subsequently
predisposes the cycling
of the patient back into their uncorrected toxic
environment, adding
insult to injury, and perpetuating even more medical dependence,
mistreatment, even death -- for profit! -- while HUD, FEMA, the Feds
and their Collaborators are left immune from their health code
violations and consequent human morbidity and mortality crime!
So saving
their lives, and the lives of their precious infants or their
families living with them, may
truly depend only upon genuinely loving, astute, informed
and wise,
courageous friends like you -- armed
with this truth!
-- Right now, for their immediate safety, all you need is a
ladder, a large garbage bag, some cord or duct-tape, and just a little understanding! --
So please read on!
tlr 1/16/10. edited 5/4/10, 5/19/10, 12/7/10 |
What You can do to Prevent
Poisoning in Manufactured or Mobile Home units Right Now!
-- at least until proper Government or Professional
correction is made!
1. Close
off HUD's "Dilution Air Intake"
- then make sure a window
or two is left slightly open.
> View a simple,
instantly lifesaving "5¢"
self-fix (temporary) solution suggestion on our "Temporary
Solution" page!
2. Keep furnace & water heater exhaust stacks clear
of snow! (When possible extend
exhaust pipe(s) height.)
As a caring friend
please inform your neighbors or relatives who also live (or work) in
these same type homes! |
Another Case of subtle Carbon Monoxide
-- But this
time its
in a "Prestigious" Apartment Complex!
-- Could your
apartment or home
be doing the same to you or your family?
Cheapness coupled with apathy and greed perpetrated another near fatal
Insult! -- For Reese Hogle, I was involved, thankfully in time!
For three years this cheap flange
work crudely done in
coupling the furnace and water
heater to the common chimney, has made
the tenant, Reese
Hogle, deathly ill, nearly killing him!
Our question is, what did previous tenants suffer, and like Reese
Hogle, were never properly diagnosed, so never understood why? |
Could your own
apartment or home have the same dangerous
incompetence and be putting you and your family at risk?
Please look at my videos posted on http://youtube.com/GassingAmerica
-- see parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
and 8:
of "Carbon
Monoxide Poisoning of Reese Hogle in Salt Lake City Apartment"
View all, if you can -- at least Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=epD1rtOFhjw -- then check your own system! |
-- On next page learn with more evidence how "HUD
is Gassing America" by seeing baby Daniel's experience.