Letter Stored Original (#6)
I am trying to prepare a one hit presentation of this story to send broadly and provoke resolution!
If you time permits. Please tell me what this letter might need
I have struggled with this long.
And in the mean time this young  family continues to be left criminal charge and un-restored to whole and innocent.
Also tell me if pictures made it through to you (10 photos are inserted)
If not look at

 Click here to go to later copy (in progress) Letter Edited

Early Draft: (original web page posting)

6 Utah mother (& husband) from honored family accused of ?neglegent infanticide?

State of Utah AG*, DCFS, PCMC, an Assistant State
Medical Examiner, SHF, two Juvenile Judges,
even Family Law "defense?" Lawyers think 
Babies Breathing Furnace Fumes 
is NO problem at all!

Instead, the Parents are judged guilty with"substantiated??? nutritional neglect",
-- DCFS's administratively spun charge equivalent to  "negligent homicide"
 -- still, as of today, May 12 2004

So While "Good Men"continue doing Nothing!-
incompetent so-called "Professionals" allowed a Furnace Exhaust Installation
Violation  to kill this child!  -- and left it undisclosed, un-investigated and un-remedied to injure and nearly kill his brother! 

 -- as well as his mother, his two sisters,  his father, their visiting family and friends!

And this real child killer, with its Carbon Monoxide burden, is still today intentionally ignored, while these above listed aid-and-abettor profiting opportunists cloak themselves in self-ascribed immunity -- while they perpetually enrich themselves upon all this victim family's income -- and our public funding!

 -- So these bureaucratic and legal opportunists, with the true malfeasants, rejecting and hiding the truth, are left free to get away with it!

Then can you believe it? - These same malicious players, the State Medical Examiner, with DCFS, SHF, UofU-Med, PCMC, AG, two Juvenile Judges and even the family's own first "Defense" Lawyer(s), in self-protection and opportunistic contempt -- acting with and exploiting the accusatory nutritionally uneducated relatives -- blamed this innocent Family's conscientious, scientifically supported healthy diet instead!
So this young couple,  Dan and Carolee (daughter of honored Tabernacle Organist, Clay Christiansen) Thaxton, stand accused by prejudiced relatives in collusion with dietarily ignorant Child Protective Services workers and nutritionally under-educated medical practitioners, who together ineptly charged them with killing their child with their carefully chosen (scientifically supported and intelligently understood and followed by more than 30 million in USA alone as the best heart, full lifetime and whole body) healthy diet!

Now in the faulted and intentional ignorance and arrogance of state social services, medicine and Utah's "Family" law -- all profiting from it -- the Thaxtons are still -- through closed court actions and their persuaded Juvenile Court Judge's abuses of decreation in fully refusing the obvious exonerating Carbon Monoxide poisoning evidence -- indicted as parental "felon's" and have been socially imprisoned within no less than 18 yrs of DCFS / PCMC /SHF / IHC / AG "house arrest" intrusion, interference and absolute dictatorial control (to everyone's profit), having their innocence, with their family and parental freedom stripped, along with most of their future life freedoms and income (and more of our public funds) with it!

These cold accusatory players of medicine, after botching their initial diagnosis, now appear intent, with the enforcement powers of their "legal" collaborators on "melting down the evidence" -- that is baby Matthew and his two sisters -- the children themselves -- which, if they could be examined by other honest Doctors, could convict them of their incompetence and malfeasant medicine!

By their own manipulated court orders, with the option of second opinion blatantly denied (just like the Parker Jensen case!), the vary same collusion of practitioners that failed the family in the beginning to correctly diagnose their first dead child -- and instead, levied the initial "murder charge" at the Thaxton couple, then subsequently seized in misdiagnosis their next infant -- are now force overmedicating (months on adult Mirilax, 10 x RDA Ferris Sulfate or equivalent, high dose [animal base] Cobalamin injections, etc.) him and the other two older Thaxton children, while they are all now in "temporary" and conditional custody of the parents!

It easily appears they do not want the children to do well in the care of their parents -- better still, for they publicity's sake, to seriously sicken (or possibly die)! That would justify in the eyes of their client public, their charges and actions against these young parents; and they could "bury" their pathetic iatrogenic mistakes, and never have to answer for them! -- like was done with Dan Jr. (wherein the Assistant Medical Examiner had him buried in 24 hrs! then two months later -- without the body as evidence refuting -- she amended her report to help her colleague friends now accuse and indict the family of murder! instead! -- WHY?)

How would you feel if it were you or your family wrongly accused of one child's homicide, then made to lose another breast-feeding infant in the cruelest of removals, with threat of all your children's removal, along with your rights and the freedom to raise them the best (studied and proven) way you know as right! -- Then helplessly see them dangerously (near lethally) misdiagnosed, mistreated and drugged before your eyes -- by your very same accusers!

This atrocity, right now, being committed against this innocent caring family may be committed next against you!

So please read the little more here and learn as much as you can about this family's awful experience. Please share their story with everyone you know -- and act publicly and politically wherever you can!  I have more documentation, details, photos, and contact information, within " " (linked below), to challenge and petition legislature, media and everyone you know!
As the person  that Carolee and Dan Thaxton and their wonderfully supportive maternal Parents, Diane and (world revered talented Tabernacle Organist) Clay Christiansen, turned to, in June 2003, for health experience, good scientific research, personal opinions, answers, and advocacy. (Without access, at that time, to any of their medical, police or court records,) I labored to provided supportive nutritional data (which was confusingly, to me and the family, ignored by their clearly prejudiced, (now) obviously personal agenda motivated, so-called "Family" Defense Lawyer, and was degraded by him and his friends of the AG, DCFS, PCMC and Juvenile Court -- as they likewise did with the superior medical experts committed (but were not brought in by Defense) for defending the family!

Frustrated by their inadequate and prejudiced defense counsel and Juvenile Court system's (now understood DCFS and AG investigative incompetence and) bias, and seeing the poorest action of law in their hearings; I desperately began looking for all possible answers among ourselves. I then had them sit the endlessly long days the week thereafter in search interview with me.

 Thankfully, continuing my own "diligence" in pursuing a detailed biological history of the family's recent life experiences, and just simple listening, I finally detected in our verbal exchange, markers of subtle asphyxiation symptoms, not even obvious to themselves or others in their associations (including their medical providers), appearing and progressing from approximately 4 year prior -- beginning the same time they purchased and moved into their little starter home.

Then finally, determining their implicated respiratory poisoning, I then asked to be taken by them to examine (for the first time actually seeing their home) their living environment (mid August 2003)!  Immediately, I identified the furnace exhaust violation (in their trustingly purchased starter home secured 4 yrs prior) that subsequently proved itself (in my own and other certified expert testing); and finally, in early September, with the police and medial records finally made accessible to me, I located the asphyxiation evidence clearly interpretable in my  review of the medical and police records (that was blindly overlooked??? by the MA, PCMC. SHF, DCFS and Defense and never presented) as the true prime killing factor in Dan Jr's death -- and of the in-utero damage and later respiratory burden and metabolic malaise done to their DCSF / PCMC seized, infant Matthew!

I immediately located and secured the State, Region and Nation's best expert(s) on Carbon Monoxide poisoning and they comfortably confirmed our findings! Well, that was an obvious given, seeing and knowing the facts, that only an abject ignorant or totally blind man could not see! But the AG, PCMC and their Judge still refuse! They obviously prefer litigation based upon hatefully conjured assertions and accusation, inept investigation, and upon a stupid, yet for all collaborates, a sweetly lucrative lie!

Now I have labored, in dedication, without pay, going on 11 months, for this wrongly accused and viciously violated family and their State Social Services and Medicine misdiagnosed and mis-treatment harmed surviving precious child Matthew, and his equally valued adorable intelligent sisters.  I have focused all my labor to discover, disclose, publish, influence and advocate, securing the best national experts, educating everyone, the press and media and lobbying legislators (spending 35 of the legislative days at the Capitol, losing my heat and hot water until spring and my phone service for a week more than once as well -- thankfully my wife was visiting my daughter in Vancouver -- as I testified in commitees and lobbied, remember, still without pay), then contacted and informed each of our federal congressmen!

This horror has ravaged the Thaxtons and the supportive Christiansens and drove them into debt over $45,000 wasted in their defense and the demands put upon them by DCFS, Court and PCMC, and they could now easily lose both their homes.

My efforts in these 11 months has consumed all my resources, even the tiny portion of family distributed inheritance from my fathers home sale! (-- Even in his difficulty in hospital care, for months my Father , Kenny Rodgers, provided encouragement, technical advice and worried up to his last moment for this innocent family's exoneration and their baby's correct return! -- and in return the Thaxtons and Christiansens honored him as Clay Christiansen, Carolee's father, played the organ to the hundreds also appreciating my wise and caring Father in attending his funeral following.)

In sharing this story with all you know, with your critical influence and vote, you can expose the awful error and help free the Thaxtons and their precious children from this oppressive false accusations horror! -- That will justify my own and my family's losses and sacrifices too!
 -- It will also help provoke more good changes in legislation and policy to make it so other families, likewise wronged, can have redress and that this cannot easily happen unchecked to others, including those families you may love! -- or you!

There is more to do to change minds, laws and policies, and exonerate this family and save their children from this wrong -- and hundreds more like them! -- including possibly your own.

So I plead for your help!
Verbally, Actively, Politically! -- Influencing with word, conviction of action and ultimate vote!
-- and financially as or if you are able!

Effectively all Politicians and Community leaders in this state and our Congressmen and potential Candidates have learned of or are all learning of this case; at least as best is possible through my own personal contact and challenge, and as far as my gasoline, phone, pen and web can get me.

 ALL of them MUST be put upon by YOU to answer as to WHAT THEY are DOING to remedy, first, the Federal Government's senseless engine of quotas and perverse funding, then the flawed State Laws, written without sufficient checks, balance or brakes, and its matching funds which recklessly enables the mindless "Baby Abduction" vehicle of a self-policing, self-policy-setting, DCFS, with its compliment of so-called Family Practice Lawyers, serving primarily as "processing" friends of the court, along with their collaboratory beneficiaries in Medicine, Psychiatry, Social Service Foster Providers (home orphanages), Child Placement and Adoption Businesses!

-- all heartlessly accosting, breaking, and killing forever, too many truly innocent families and their children! -- like these fumes-harmed Thaxton children  -- medically failed, then violated by the same inept, prejudiced and "untouchable" accusers, with their own Family-Law defense betraying the trusting, loving young parents!

-- and all conveniently cloaked and hiding themselves in no-fault immunity behind their closed-court error impunity protection!

With voice and vote, help stop this travesty of DCFS, Medicine and Law's arrogance-above-competence immorality, firmly fostered in the perverse incentive of Federal quotas and unbridled Public funding (our tax money), providing the shameless profits for removing of infants and children, even without true cause, while dismembering and destroying many innocent families and all of their children;

then when caught in error, skulking behind the State Attorney General, flanked by their cowering, kinship-carnage dependent, prosecution-feeding Family Law,
-- all taking refuge for their malicious acts, inside their self-concocted protective chambers and dark privy shelters of their own occluded Juvenile Court!

Thanks ,
T L Rodgers  --

AG = (Utah State) Attorney General
DCFS = Division of Child and Family Services
IHC = Intermountain Health Care (Corporation)
MA or Assist MA = (Utah State) Medical Examiner or Assistant Medical Examiner (Coroner)
PCMC = Primary Children's Medical Center (IHC)
RDA = Recommended Daily Allowance (established by FDA= Food and Drug Administration)
SHF = Safe and Health Families (in IHC)
UUMC or UofUMed = University of Utah Medical Center (in this case; specially Clinic 6)

To  editing copy of this Letter (in progress) "LetterEdited.htm"

After testifying in legislative commitees, author has been asked to run for State Senate Please help him fix this atrocity! . . . Please mail this link or print this Letter above to Share!